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corruption can be the first consideration

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Q: Why did Europeans control Tanzania?
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What crusade were the europeans in control of constantinople at the end?

The fourth crusade that the Europeans were in control of constantinople at the end.

Who were the first Europeans to set up forts along the coast of Tanzania and trade gold ivory and slaves?


How did the Europeans gain control over the Native Americans?

The Europeans gained control over the Native Americans by taking their land and their important riches.

When did the Europeans gain control on the Constantinople?

in 1453

Europeans brought much of the world under their influence and control beginning in what year?

Europeans brought much of the world under their influence and control beginning in the year 1914.Europeans brought much of the world under their influence and control beginning in the late 1800s.

Europeans were in control of constantinople at the end of?

* The Fourth Crusade...(".")

The crusades was a series is military expeditions tarried carried out by Christian Europeans in Middle Ages to regain control of?

The first crusades were to gain control of Jerusalem from the Muslims. The second crusade was to regain control of Edessa, and was lost by Christian Europeans.

What 4 areas of Africa did Germany control?

Present day Namibia, Burundi, Rwanda and parts of Tanzania.

How did Europeans compete for control of the Ottoman Empire?

They did by the Treaty of Serves, 1920.

Which crusade were europeans in control of constinpole?

The Fourth Crusade in 1204 AD.

Who discovered Tanganyika?

Tanganyika was the short lived state of modern day Tanzania, after it gained independence from British control.

Why do you think the Europeans were able to control vast numbers of Africans with relatively few men?

because the europeans threatened the africans with nuclear potatoes