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Q: Why did Fidel Castro not want any US business in cuba?
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What are facts about the Cuban revolution?

Buy. Errores en la adolescencia e incertidumbre en la madurez. mistakes in adolescence and uncertainty in maturity Which talks about the life of cuba. And everything bad that happened on cuba. Buy this book in here if you want to know the life of cuba better.

Why did castro want to kill John F. Kennedy?

He didn't necessarily hate Fidel Castro, but America thought that Fidel was a communist, and because of Cuba was right next to America, they thought that is was "communism on their door step". Fidel was quite chummy with Khrushchev but NOT communist, and when America stopped trading with them, Khrushchev offered to step in and help them. Thi lead to Fidel becoming communist, and because Cuba was so close to America, they considered this as a sign that communism was spreading.

Why Cuba is a dictatorship?

Because of Fidel Castro they want to be in control, ever since he got sick his brother has taken over. Raul Castro is not doing any better. He is still bad as his older brother. I just hope that someone would come and help them do better than they are already doing.

Did President Kennedy want to get rid of Castro in Cuba?


Why did the American leaders want to overthrow the government of fidel Castro?

Castro's first attempt was unsuccessful when he tried to overthrow Batista. Instead of overthrowing Batista, Fidel went to prison for 15 years. Fidel Castro went back to Cuba to start another revolution. So, he fought along with Ernest "Che" Guevara. Batista became less and less popular with the people because he was using the Mafia and the US government to prop himself up.

What is the story of Elian Gonzalez?

Elian Gonzalez was a Cuban boy who became the focus of an international custody battle in 2000. After his mother died during their attempt to reach the United States by boat, Elian was rescued and taken to Miami, where relatives wanted to keep him. The custody dispute sparked a political controversy between the US and Cuba, ultimately resulting in Elian being returned to his father in Cuba.

What was the result of the takeover of cuba by fidel Castro?

Fidel Castro gained control of Cuba by "overthrowing" the Cuban dictator Flugencio Batista in 1959. His efforts to overthrow the government in the early 1950's was to large extent a failure, and led to him being imprisoned. He did not serve his full term in prison as he was "pardoned" by Batista. He went in exile in Latin America where he joined forces with Che Guevara, who eventually helped him to overthrow Batista. Castro adopted the ideology of Jose Marti, as he was and still is anti-American.Fulgencio Batista

Why is Cuba communist?

Because Fidel Castro declared himself and Cuba communist in 1962.

Why does Cuba allow the US to maintain a military presence in their country?

More than likely Cuba does not have much choice in the matter - it is the status quo. Plus, is Cuba even able to make America leave? Its also possible that Cuba gets some benefit from it and therefore does not want the US to leave.

What might be some of the reasons that people of cuba failed to rise up against Castro and overthrow his dictatorship?

One of the biggest reasons that Cuba failed to rise up again, was because Castro didn't want them overflowing his dictatorship. He needed to be supported.

What does Fidel Castro do as a president?

as president of cuba fidel only counts money over one million tourests each year at 25,euro for tourist card and 25.c.u.c depature tax plus what the tourist will spend its the most expensive country to hire a car and do check the tyres when you hire a car the black market in cuba is big buisness and the gouvernment allowes this as they are afraid of a revelotion by the youths of cuba fidel is a great man for coming up with ideas he is now taxing all households who have railings around there balconies and doors a tax of 500,cuban pesos they let the world beleive they have the best medical and doctors 90,percent of cuban doctors have not fully qualified and people who fought in the revelotion who are now eldery cannot see a doctor when they visit a hospital as for the hospitals they are a total discrace no water in the bathrooms a potty under the bed no bed clothes you would have to see a hospital in cuba to beleive castro and his government have educated the people the way they want them ignorent I CAN SEE VERY SOON THE YOUTH OF CUBA CREATING A REVELOTION AS FIDEL AND HIS BROTHER COUNT THE CASH

Did Fidel Castro replace a monarchy with a parliamentary system?

His older daughter deflected to the US because she didn't stand it. The smaller ones with do that in a time period. Now, when his family doesn't want any of it what do you, the smartest choice for his idea was his brother Raul. If he lets go for a moment, socialism will end in Cuba.