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he hesitated because he didn't know if it was going to be worth it and if cole was going to be a big JA

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Q: Why did Garvey hesitate to be coles sponsor in touching spirit bear?
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Who is coles sponsor in the book spirit bear?

In the book "Touching Spirit Bear" by Ben Mikaelsen, Cole's sponsor is a Native American elder named Garvey. Garvey helps guide Cole through his healing journey in the Circle Justice program.

Why do you think Garvey agreed to be Cole's sponsor in the circle justice in touching spirit bear?

Because everyone els sees Cole as a lost cause. Mr. Garvey sees Cole as a good kid deep down.

Who gave cole in touching spirit bear the at oow?


Who gave cole the atoow in touching spirit bear?

Garvey did

How do you say what tribe garvey is in in Touching Spirit Bear?

In the book "Touching Spirit Bear," Garvey is a member of the Tlingit tribe.

Who is garvey in touching spirit bear?

he's coles parol officer

What did garvey learn from the whale dance in Touching Spirit Bear?


Who is Atoow in the book touching spirit bear?

Its a blanket Garvey gives Cole. :)

In the book touching spirit bear what kind of Native American is Garvey?

In the book "Touching Spirit Bear," Garvey is of Tlingit descent, which is a Native American tribe from the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Garvey shares his cultural wisdom and traditions with the main character, Cole, throughout the story.

What did garvey give to cole to take care of in touching spirit bear?

the at.oow

In touching spirit bear who is Edwin and garvey?

Garvey is Cole's probation officer, and Edwin is a tlinglet Elder in the community. Hope this helps!!

Who was garvey in touching spirit bear?

Garvey is Cole's parol officer and one of the people that teaches him lessons, also trusts him throughout the book