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Q: Why did George Washington Carver experimented with peanuts?
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What are some plants that George Washington Carver experimented with?

Soybeans, peanuts, and sweet potatoes.

The scientist who discovered more than 300 uses for peanuts?

George Washington Carver discovered peanuts and invented many things out of them.

In the 1900s George Washington Carver experimented in the different uses of what agricultural crop?

George Washington Carver reputedly discovered three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more for soybeans, pecans and sweet potatoes.

What did George Carver do?

George Washington Carver invented many things from peanuts.

Former slave who made more than 300 products from peanuts?

george washington carver thats him silly

Why did George Washington Carver work with peanuts?

George Washington Carver experimented and invented all kinds of things made out of peanuts. He wrote down more than 300 uses for peanuts, including peanut milk, peanut butter, peanut paper, and peanut soap.

Why did George Washington Carver try to develop other uses for peanuts?

So many peanuts were being grown, that George Washington Carver had to find other uses for peanuts.

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Who made peanuts products?

George Washington Carver

What made peanuts famous?

George Washington Carver

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George Washington Carver

When did George Washington Carver make peanuts?