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So that Lennie wouldn't suffer as much at the hands of Curley and the other men, who swore revenge for the death of Curley's wife.

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George wanted to spare Lennie from a more brutal and painful death at the hands of Curley and his men. He also wanted to ensure that Lennie's death was more peaceful and compassionate. Additionally, George felt a sense of responsibility for protecting and caring for Lennie throughout their time together.

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Q: Why did George kill Lennie himself instead of letting the men do it?
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Why does Lennie kill George?

In John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," Lennie does not kill George. George ultimately makes the difficult decision to shoot Lennie to prevent him from suffering a worse fate at the hands of others after an accidental tragedy Lennie causes. George kills Lennie out of a sense of compassion and mercy.

What does Lennie first do when curley puches him?

When Curley punches Lennie, Lennie doesn't initially retaliate. Instead, he looks to George for guidance on how to respond.

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