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That was the starting point in putting into effect the Final Solution.

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Q: Why did German mobs destroy what they could have the Jews on Kristallnacht?
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By the end of kristallnacht how many Jews were in concentration camps?

During the Kristallnacht and the days that followed about 30,000 German Jews were sent to concentration camps.

What year did the Nazi mobs attack German Jews?

Kristallnacht : 9-10 November 1938 .

What did Joseph goebbels publicy say was the cause of kristallnacht?

Joseph Goebbels publicly blamed the Jews for Kristallnacht, claiming that it was a spontaneous reaction by the German population to the assassination of a German diplomat by a Jewish refugee. He portrayed it as a justified response against Jewish economic and social influence in Germany.

Why did the kristallnacht happen?

The German government wanted to create the impression that the German people were unhappy with the Jews. The purported reason was that the German people were unhappy with the assassination of a German diplomat by a Jew.

What spurred Hitler to order the violent attacks against Jews that became known as kristallnacht?

The murder of a German diplomat

Where was the arrested jews of the kristallnacht shipped?

German Jewish men were arrested for the crime of being Jewish and sent to concentration camps.

When did kristallnacht happen and what was kristallnacth?

Kristallnacht was triggered by the assassination in France of a German diplomat, Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a German-born Polish Jew. In a coordinated attack on Jewish people and their property, 91 Jews were murdered and some 30,000 were arrested and deported to concentration camps. More than 200 synagogues were destroyed and thousands of homes and businesses were ransacked. Kristallnacht also served as a pretext and a means for the wholesale confiscation of firearms from German Jews

Why did Hitler order Kristallnacht?

Hitler ordered Kristallnacht as an excuse to get rid of Jews, or capture Jews that had been individually selected to be arrested.

Why were German civilians against the Jews during Kristallnacht?

The short answer was that they were not. The German government wanted to portray an image that he German civilians were rising up in a popular movement against the Jews, but this was not the case, the anti-Jewish actions of that night were mainly carried out by agents of the Nazis.

Why was Kristallnacht a critical event for Jews living under Nazi control?

The Kristallnacht was the first organized Nazi pogrom against the Jews. For the first time there was widespread, organized, physical violence against the Jews in Germany during the Nazi period. German Jews were left in no doubt that they were no longer safe in Germany. (There had been several, isolated incidents before that).

How did Kristallnacht persecute Jews?

Kristallnacht is translated from German into "night of broken glass," which is fitting. Kristallnacht was when Nazis ran through towns smashing windows of German businesses and shops and setting fire to those businesses. Jews were beaten during that day, and forced to relocate elsewhere. It was the start of the Nazi's Final Solution.

What is the name of the night of violence against the Jews in which many were murdered?

I believe what you're referring to is Kristallnacht (German; translates as 'Night of Broken Glass').