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Please review your use of the past and present tenses, you mug. To answer your question, Germany did it to ensure the annexation of Poland, while Russia did to keep a possible invasion from Hitler at bay and to try and focus the attention on France and Britain. Both knew that the pact was not permenant and would be broken eventually, so was probably one of the most untrustworthy pacts ever made

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It bought time for him to purse other European attacks while keeping the Soviets in the dark about his future plans,

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Germany feared the Soviet Union in the beginning of world war 2

they thought, their enemies would be too powerful if they were fighting the soviet union along with the European union

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Q: Why did Hitler want the nazi-soviet pact?
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They signed what was known as the "Pact of Steel" .

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Adolf Hitler opposed the Munich Pact in various ways and even broke it severally. Winston Churchill is also known to have out-rightly opposed this pact.

Why did Hitler want Poland Nazi-Soviet Pact besides having a little more land?

Hitler wanted to keep allies with Russia of which Poland was a neighboring state.

The agreement between Hitler and Stalin was called the?

nonaggression pact.

What is the name of the pact signed by Hitler and Stalin in 1939?

The Nazi-Soviet pact, or the non-aggression pact.

Who made a pact with communist?

Adolf Hitler (Germany) and Josef Stalin (Soviet Union) created a pact not to go to war with each other. Adolf Hitler violated this pact when he invaded the Soviet Union.

Did Brezhnev do a treaty with Hitler?

No, Brezhnev was 16 years-old when Hitler signed the non-aggression pact with Stalin in 1932. No, Brezhnev was 33 years old when Hitler signed the non-aggression pact with Stalin in 1939. And the Pact was signed by Molotov & Ribbentrop.

Who signed a pact with the USSR in 1939?

Adolf Hitler