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Before 1914 Germany was unable to feed itself adequately on home produced food and had to import foodstuffs. In World War 1, Britain blockaded Germany - that is the British Navy prevented food reaching Germany by sea. The German chemical industries responded by producing fertilizers that increased yield per acre, but there were still shortages. At the same time, German U-boats were trying to starve Britain into surrender.

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As our trenches was at the bottom and the Germans was on high ground al the water would run off and flood our trenches and roads so it was hard for transport to get to the trenches to give our soldiers food and water.

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Q: Why did Germany have issues with food during World War I?
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I am not quite sure but i think that it depends on what country you lived in during World War II. If you lived in Germany during World War II and you were a German I guess you would go to food markets and get fruit, bread and whatever else you could afford. But if you lived in Germany and you were a Jew you would most likely have been taken away to a concentration camp and they would give you small servings of food such as a spoonful of potato or a small slice of bread. Also I don't think that many people went shopping weekly during World War II. I hope that was a good enough answer for you and I am sorry if it wasn't good enough.

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cos we had no food

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What food from abroad could you not get during World War 2?

In World Two, one food item which was scarce was frsh meat form America, and of course Coca Cola, which they could nnot get, so Germany decided to make Sprite (c) which is now a registered trademark of Coca Cola.

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