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For a number of reasons. One reason was to teach some important lessons, such as empathy (Exodus 22:21), and knowledge of God (ibid. 10:2). Another reason was that Egypt served as the iron furnace (Deuteronomy 4:20) in which gold is smelted: the Egyptian exile served to sort out which Israelites were loyal to God and which weren't.

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Q: Why did God allow the Israelites to be slaves in Egypt in the first place?
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How did their fortunes change once they were in Egypt?

The children of Israel were at first prosperous in Egypt because the Lord blessed all their endeavors, including their crops and animals. However, the Egyptians became afraid of the successes of the Israelites and they made Israelites their slaves.

What is the importantance of passover?

The importance of Passover is that all the Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for 400 years. In the story of Passover God sends 10 plagues down on the Pharaoh and the rest of Egypt, and after the last one, the death of the first born, the Israelites were finally set free.

Why did the Israelites leave and go to Egypt?

The Israelites went to Egypt because there was a famine in the land of Canaan, where they were living. Joseph, one of the Israelites, had risen to a position of power in Egypt and invited his family to seek refuge there.

The Hebrew ancestor who according to the Bible first settled in Egypt was?

Genesis 47 details Joseph's settlement of the Israelites in Egypt.

Where did the Israelites live in Egypt?

They lived in the land of Goshen, which is in the Northeast part of the Nile delta.

Who was the first free slave?

The first written account of freeing of slaves is Moses leading the Israelites out of slavery, so I guess you could say they were the first free slaves.

Who were the first of the Israelites that settled in Canaan?

It was Abraham.The father of the Israel nation.

Who is Moses and when did he save the slaves?

Moses was the leader of the Israelites, 3300 years ago. The Bible (the first chapters of Exodus) relates how he brought the Israelites out of the Egyptian slavery at God's command.

Who were the first slaves.?

The Old Testament stated that in Egypt, the Pharoh had slaves, also known as the isrealites, working on his pyrimids. These slaves were later saved by Moses.

How many were the Israelites who first settled in Egypt?

According to the first few verses in Exodus, when Jacob and his family descended to Egypt to escape the famine in Canaan, adding their numbers to Joseph and his sons, who were already in Egypt, the total is 70 individuals.

What country is matza from?

From Israel (though it was eaten for the first time in Egypt, that was only once; and it was Israelites who ate it, not Egyptians).

What did God command to Moses?

After Moses ha fled Egypt God came unto him in the form of a burning bush and told him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt due to the forced labor they underwent for Pharaoh. Moses protested saying he was not a great speaker so God allowed Aaron to speak for him. Moses appeared before he elders and turned his staff into a serpent so they would believe him. He then performed the miracle before Pharaoh but God had hardened his heart so he would not allow the Israelites to leave. After the the death of the first born son, with Passover for the Israelites, Pharaoh chased them out of Egypt. Moses then received the Ten Commandments and the miracle of manna.