

Why did God create flies?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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People (myself very much included) have wondered that question for a long, long time. Flies are actually useful, believe it or not. Among other things, adults flies consume dead organic matter (dead plants, animals, etc.) and feces, both of which are things that humans do not want to have to deal with too much, particularly if they are not in their 'proper' places (like for instance, a grave of some kind and the toilet). Flies help take care of that problem. Maggots (fly larva) also feed on feces, decaying matter, etc. On the other hand, flies also carry and transport diseases. I guess you could say that the diseases they carry have caused humans to research and concoct serums and medicines to help prevent the diseases carried by flies and other animals. Because of that research, death from many diseases carried by animals is no longer an issue as we now know how to treat them. While we sometimes may question Him, God does know what He's doing. We just don't always understand it.

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