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* God did not really create people. So, he did not create people who do not believe in him. If there is an all-powerful God, why would he need, above all else, that people believe in him? * God created people with a free will. They can then choose whether to believe or not.

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Q: Why did God create people that do not believe in him?
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Why did God create people who do not believe in Him?

God did not purposefully create people who would not believe in Him. He created people, and let them use their judgment to see if they will belive in Him. The reason God gave them the option to believe or not believe in Him in the first place was because He did not want people in His Kingdom that would not choose to believe in Him. He gave people the choice to believe in Him or not, and the entire reasoning is because He did not want non-believers in His Kingdom (Heaven).

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No, because if you believe in God. Then you believe that He was the ONE who created all things. But now if you believe in science whatsoever, then you only believe things that you've either heard or have seen from other people. So to answer your question, science has not killed God. Its just that since people cannot see God, and or feel his presence, it is that, that has seem to what make people believe that God "didn't" create the world.

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People who do not believe in a god are called atheists.

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I believe in god. also, write why u believe in god :)

What modern day god creates people that believe in that god?

There is no concrete evidence or scientific consensus on the existence of a god or gods. Belief in a god or gods is subjective and varies among individuals and cultures. Therefore, it is more accurate to say that people create their own beliefs in gods, rather than a god creating people who believe in them.

How long did it take Allah to create what he created?

Since I believe there is only one God, who has different names from different people, it took him 6 days to create the world.

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Yes, I'm sure some English people believe in God.

Did god create the banana?

sure. If that's what you want to believe.

What is the main god that mesopotamian people believe in?

there is no MAIN god that Mesopotamia people believe in, that is why they are polytheims.