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God gave you a conscience to make sure you have an understanding of what is right and wrong.

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Q: Why did God give man a conscience?
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Dreaming about asking God for forgiveness may suggest feelings of guilt or regret in waking life. It could indicate a desire for spiritual cleansing or a need to make amends for past actions. This dream may also reflect a wish for redemption or a willingness to seek forgiveness for any perceived wrongdoings.

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God gave man the power of freewill =)

Theme of consciences in man for all season?

conscience is basically that little voice inside of you that guides you on what is good and what is not. In A man for all seasons, the theme of conscience is seen in Thoma's More's character. Thomas More is a well respected man, and a high principled man. More lives in a time where it is very difficult for a man such as himself to live by his beliefs. More, places God's law above the laws of the land. More's actions are not based on religion or the laws of man but on his conscience, he allows his conscience to guide him into doing what his heart says is right.This theme was seen in the place of the common man: Matthew, when More releases his servants, he tells Matthew that "i shall miss you", after this Matthew feels bad that more shows affection to him while all he has done is give out information about him. His is Guilty conscience . Norfolk also show some guilty conscience when he tells Thomas about the plot Cromwell is planning for him and his own involvement in it. This theme is also seen in Richard rich's character. when Cromwell forces rich to give him information about more, rich has a conscience and doesn't want to give out the man who was once his friend. but obviously his desire to rise up in life is stronger than the conscience he feels. More also feels a sense of guilty conscience that he will have to die without his family fully understanding why he acted the way he did. I hope this will give you a better understanding although you should read more about the conscience, i could have missed something :)

What is hardened conscience?

This a conscience that can break the command of God without any remorse.

Is god without conscience?

God is without conscience. He made us with one because we are sinful. God does not sin and doesn't have the potential to sin. God doesn't have a conscience because he doesn't sin so he doesn't feel guilt. Our conscience is what make us feel guilty about something we did bad. Hope that helps you out.

Conscience is a man's compass mean?

This means that our conscience guides us in making moral decisions, much like how a compass helps navigate direction. It suggests that our conscience acts as a moral guide, pointing us towards what is right and wrong. Just as a compass steers us in the right direction, our conscience helps steer us towards moral choices.

Is the conscience man made?

conscience is not man made it is phycoloical if it was man made animals wouldn't have it. if you are a good person you will have a good conscience and will be able to tell between wrong and right and its opposite if you are not.

Can you give me a sentence using conscience?

Integrity is dictated by conscience.

Did God give man the power to create wealth and Why?

Did God give man the power? Is it necessary to ask the question? Man creates wealth. Either God gave man the power, or man can take power against God's will. Another alternative is that the power to create wealth is inherent to man as a characteristic of human nature.

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If the conscience is the voice of God then how come your conscience is saying a different thing from other people?

One or the other persons is not listening to their conscience, but to something they want to hear.