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Adam was put to a deep sleep as god took his rib to create Eve.

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Q: Why did God put Adam to sleep to make eve?
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What happened when God put Adam and Eve into a deep sleep?

God didn't put Eve into a deep sleep. Instead, only Adam was put into a deep sleep. During that sleep, God removed one of Adam's ribs. With that rib, God made Eve as a helpmate to the lonely first man.

Did GOD foreordain Adam and Eve's disobedience?

God did not make/hope/cause Adam & Eve to sin; it was there own free will.

Where did came from Adam and Eve?

Adam and Eve were created by Jehovah (God).

How long did it take Adam and Eve to meet on earth when they were thrown out from heaven?

Firstly, Adam and Eve were not thrown out from heaven but created by the hand of Almighty God on the earth. Adam was created first and then God formed Eve from Adam. They would have met that very same day whenever Adam woke up from the 'sleep' into which God had placed him.

How many times did God create man?

God created humanstwice. First time it was Adam. The second time it was Eve. God created Even from Adam by putting him in a deep sleep, while god took one of Adams ribs and used it to make a second human. Which was Eve and that is how women where created from men.

Why did God make it possible for Adam and eve to do wrong?

To have free-will.

Was god the first person made?

According to The Bible, Adam. He then made Eve out of one of Adam's ribs while he was in a deep sleep.

Who created Adam and Eve if god was not born yet?

God created Adam and Eve.

When was Adam and eve?

Adam and Eve weren't born. Genesis 2:7 The Lord formed the man from soil on the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. God put Adam into a deep sleep, took out some of his side, and put flesh there. (Genesis 2:21) That was how God created Adam and Eve.

Who first found out how to make a baby?

Adam and Eve. god taught eve in her dreams (i think)

When did god make us?

God made our ancestors at the begining of time: Adam and Eve.

Which part of Adam body did god create eve?

God created Eve with Adam's rib.