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Q: Why did Graff give Ender all new soldiers he had not worked with before?
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What country was the battle of River Plate in?

The battle of River Plate was the first major battle of the second world war (13 December 1939). The German pocket battleship Admiral Graff Spee was operating in the area off the coast of Argentina on a successful campaign to disrupting allied shipping routes and to tie up Allied warship presence there. At dawn on December 13th the Graff Spree found itself engaged with one of the Royal Navy hunting forces send to destroy the German battleship. The allied force consisted of three smaller cruisers; HMS Exeter; HMS Ajax and HMS Achilles. In the resulting battle, the Exeter was severely damaged and forced to retire and the other two cruisers received moderate damage. The Graff Spee was reportedly hit some 20 times by the three allied warships but during the battle she laid a smokescreen and retreated into the nearby neutral harbour of the Uruguayan capital Montevideo. The Graff Spee was not allowed to stay in the harbour for a period longer than 72 hrs. Hans Langsdorff, the captain of the German battleship scuttled his damaged ship rather than to face the overwhelming force the Allied had led him to believe had been assembled. Although the outcome of the actual engagement could be seen as a German victory over the Allied in terms of losses but the subsequent actions taken by Langsdarff resulted in the general acceptance of an Allied victory.

Did the Nazis develop the atomic bomb?

The short answer is Yes, the Nazis developed a low yield tactical nuclear weapon with a 5 kilogram warhead and a blast radius of 1200 metres (1.2 kilometres) An American intelligence report dated 15 June 1945 about German Technical Transfer to Japan during WW2, noted the interrogation of Japanese officer who disclosed during 1944 Germany had transferred details of a matchbox sized warhead with a blast radius of 1200 metres. Nazi patents hidden in the personal papers of Dr Walter Trinks detail a warhead using just 150 grams of uranium 233, which would make a marble sized warhead core. Two Nazi scientists General Dr Erich Schumann (nuclear physicist) and Dr Walter Trinks (ballistics Expert) developed 40 patents for a nuclear weapon during WW2 which were later copied or adapted after WW2 by the Americans and the French to create miniaturised or tactical nuclear weapons. In the early 1950s German wartime nuclear physicist Prof Diebner was recruited to teach the US how to create minature nuclear weapons. Schumann was recruited by the French to teach France how to make nuclear weapons. These weapons were entirely different in concept from the nuclear weapons created in the Manhattan project which exploited the concept of natural critical mass. The Nazi nuclear weapons used less than critical mass of Uranium, but used the implosion of opposed hollow charge explosives to drive a plasma pinch at the fissile core. The plasma pinch was created by the focused explosive compression of superheated Lithium against a 150 gram target of Uranium 233 coated with Lithium Deuteride (heavy Hydrogen). The superheated collision of Deuterium and Lithium sparked a massive release of neutrons which replicated the same neutron flux found in a much larger critical mass of Uranium 235 at the point of criticality similar to the US Little Boy weapon dropped over Hiroshima. The Nazis used Uranium 233 in preference to Uranium 235 because it could be obtained far more easily and inexpensively than enrichment of Uranium 235 or breeding of Plutonium 239, by simply bombarding Thorium 232 with artificial radiation. Also the Nazi method using transmutation of Thorium 232 resulted in an extremely high isotopic purity and thus less was required. The method of detonation required much less fissile material again, thus the Nazis had no need for a massive enrichment project on the scale of Oak Ridge and Hanniford River. Artificial radiation was created using cyclotrons and van der graff generators, but from 1943 the Germans also had an advanced particle accelerator which was more like a spherical tokamak. One of these was captured at Burggrub by General Patton's forces on 14 April 1945 and another was captured at Bisingen at the laboratory of Forschungsstelle D on 22 April 1945. US intelligence reports cite a successful nuclear test explosion on Bug isthmus of Reugen along the Baltic coast on 12 October 1944. In 2005 an Italian war correspondent Luigi Romersa came forward to confirm that he witnessed this test explosion. Further nuclear test explosions are claimed to have happened at Ohrdruf in March 1945. At least one eyewitness Clare Werner came forward in 2005, corroborated by several other sources. A Japanese diplomatic signal from Stockholm sent on 12 December 1944 discusses the use of a German Uranium atom smashing weapon on the Russian front south of Kursk in June 1943 and later during the siege of a German garrison at Sevastapol in early 1944. The Magic decrypt of this signal was declassified in 1979. A US military archivist who worked on destruction of classified wartime files has published claims that he destroyed US held Nazi records detailing the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Pomerania. After the war Lt General Walter Dornberger disclosed to hidden microphones at a British internment camp that Hitler had always intended to use the V-2 rocket with nuclear warheads. Dornberger's secretly taped conversations were cited in evidence at Nuremberg trials. At Nuremberg German armaments Minister Albert Speer was also questioned about nuclear test blasts at the Orhdruf Concentration camp. Exactly why the British wanted to know about German nuclear test explosions at Nuremberg was never disclosed. On 5 August 1944 Hitler visited Romania's leader Marshall Antonescu and told him Germany had a Uranium atom smashing weapon of unimaginable destructive force. A month later Romania fell to a revolution and Antonescu gave evidence of Hitler's disclosure to his soviet interrogators.

What was the Third Reich project Die Glocke?

The Nazi Bell was a plasma induction coil, designed to irridate compounds of Thorium and Beryllium to transmute Thorium and breed Uranium from it using a photo-chemical process.Prior to WW2 Professor Walther Gerlach had experimented with the spin polarisation of atoms to generate plasma. In 1936 another scientist Dr Ronald Richter had experimented with electric arc furnaces smelting Lithium for U-boat batteries and discovered by injecting Deuterium into the plasma that he could create nuclear fusion. Richter's intention was to find a way to accurately measure temperatures within the furnace. he found that radiation caused by the interaction of deuterium and Lithium could be measured from the radiation produced.This led to further experiments in 1941 with bombardment of Lithium and Deuterium in a Van der Graff accelerator in 1941.The Nazi Bell expanded on these two insights by spinning mercury in a powerful magnetic field to cause a plasma which excited Beryllium to release Neutrons into Thorium at the core of the machine.Gerlach began the project in January 1942 for the Nazi Atomic bomb project under contract from Heereswaffenamt Versuchsanstalt No.10 (Army Ordanance Dept Laboratory No.10). In June 1942 a contract was let to to AEG to provide electrical power with the highest priority possible. The AEG contract was codenamed Charite Anlage. Gerlach's project to transmute Thorium was originally called Projekt Thor.The project to build the bell device, codenamed Die Glocke was inspired from Freiderich Schiller's poem Song of the Bell about the forging of a great bell from very pure metal. The poem had mystical overtones of racial purity for it's nazi inventors.The Bell was built at Neumakt (Sroda Slaska) just east of Breslau (modern Wroclaw) and at Lubiaz in Poland. Thor was disguised as a company called Wekstatten dr Ferstenau (Furstenstein Castle) in joint partnership with AEG, Bosch and Seimens which all contributed various aspects of their expertise. The Centrifuge was built bt BAMAG at Dessau.On 1 November 1943 the Bell device was installed in an underground complex beneath an airfield next to Breslau. The following November in fear of soviet advances it was shifted to a complex beneath Furstenstein Castle.In December 1944 it was again shifted to Wenceslas Mine near the village of Ludwidsdorf (Ludwikowicze) and finally evacuated by aircraft on or about 17-18 April 1945.The Bell's first operation was in May 1944 when five of the seven strong team of scientists died from what appears to have been radiation sickness. A second operation in July 1944 by scientists, this time with protective clothing also resulted in deaths.Other projects concerned with the Nazi Bell were Kronos (Saturn) for the applied science aspect and Laternentreager ( [satan's] Lamp Holder) to do with medical experimentation. There is some indication from a Polish scientist who survived work on the project at Furstenstein Castle, that astronauts were being trained for a manned V-2 rocket program there too. This has also given rise to extraordinary conjecture that the Bell project had some exotic anti-gravity application, yet the evidence simply suggests a device for the production of Uranium.Sources:Bernstein, Jeremy. Hitler's Uranium Club, The Secret recordings at Farm Hall.Dr Paul J Hahn, Dr Ronald Richter, Der Auftakt der FusionforschungsWitkowski, Igor. The Truth About the WunderwaffeDeichmann, Ute & Dunlap, Thomas. Biologists Under HitlerFarrell, Joseph. The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis' Incredible Secret TechnologyFarrell, Joseph. Giza Death Star Deployed[1] Various references to unexplained photochemistry process occur in transcripts of recordings at Farm Hall 6-7 August 1945 and 14 August 1945 from gerlach, Diebner and Harteck.

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In Ender's Game what is Mr Graff like?

Mr. Graff is a manipulative and authoritative figure in "Ender's Game," acting as the head of the Battle School program. He is strategic and calculating in his approach to training Ender, pushing him to his limits in order to prepare him for the imminent alien threat. Despite his tough exterior, Graff shows a complex mix of care and ruthlessness in his interactions with Ender.

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In the introduction of Chapter 10 in "Ender's Game," the people talking are Graff, Anderson, and the Minister of Colonization. They are discussing Ender's progress and his training in Battle School.

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On the very first day, on the shuttle to Battle School, Graff blatantly and repeatedly tells all the boys that he expects Ender is the only one who's going to survive and do well at the school.

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What did Graff mean about evolution working against girls in Ender's Game?

In "Ender's Game," Graff believed that evolution worked against girls because they were typically more nurturing and compassionate, traits that could hinder their ability to be aggressive and competitive in the military training program. Graff thought that girls were less likely to succeed in the harsh and cutthroat environment of Battle School because they were less inclined towards violence and dominance.

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The important characters in "Ender's Game" include Ender Wiggin, a gifted child strategist; Valentine Wiggin, Ender's compassionate sister; Colonel Graff, the head of Battle School; and Mazer Rackham, a legendary war hero who trains Ender.

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bonzo madrid Answer Bonzo Madrid and Stilson are killed by Ender (unintentionally) in Ender's Game. Ender is tricked by Hyrum Graff and Mazer Rackham into killing the entire species known as the Formics or 'buggers'.

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"Graff" is a fictional character created by Orson Scott Card in the novel "Ender's Game." In the story, Graff is portrayed as someone willing to manipulate situations and use questionable tactics to achieve his goals, which may be interpreted as blasphemous by some due to his questionable morality and actions.

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What is the birth name of Jo Graff?

Jo Graff's birth name is Josephine Graff.