

Why did Haiti become so poor?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Why did Haiti become so poor?
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Is the fact that haiti is so poor a factor?

i think that the fact that Haiti is so poor is a factor because if the UK was in an earthquake zone , we would buy lots of food and equipment to prepare, since Haiti is so poor they can't do that.

How poor is Haiti?

haiti is a very poor country to give money text haiti to 90999

Is Haiti better than the US?

Haiti is a very poor place, so it is not better than the United States.

Is Haiti poor?

Haiti is the poorest nation on earth.

Is Haiti a rich or poor country?

Haiti has always been divided between rich and poor

Is Haiti rich or poor?

Haiti is considered one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, with a large percentage of the population living in poverty. The country faces numerous economic and social challenges, including high unemployment rates, political instability, and natural disasters.

Do they have Bugatti in Haiti?

no because Haiti is is to poor to make and buy it.

Why are people in haiti so poor?

Techinally, people in Haiti are poor. But this is for many reasons. And the main reason is because all the hurricanes, earthquakes, and ect. So, people need to stop saying is poor, because in fact people in haiti are suffering threw alot of stuff. Imagine you living on a floor filled with rocks and with need to eat and you can get is rice, water, and bread. So, yes this is my opinion. So, if you dont like it then too bad. If they we would just get out and work they wouldn't be so poor.

Why did people suffer so bad in haiti's earthquake?

Haiti suffered so much because they where poor and did not have enough money to fix homes, cure illnesses or take in the homeless.

Why was the human cost in Haiti so much greater than in Chile?

it is because haiti was a poor countrie and Chile was such a rich place for people to live in

What countries are poor?

Haiti and Somali

What is haiti's standard of living?
