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there were no hate groups as we know them, the Nazi party offered enough prejudice that anyone who was inclined to be hateful could either be with them or against them and fulfill their needs.

The dislike of Homosexuals was quite universal. It was only about ten years ago that the US lifted the ban on homosexuals in the armed forces, and equal rights for homosexuals are still not universal.

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Q: Why did Hate Groups from the Holocaust not like Homosexuals?
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What are some anti-gay hate groups?

There are two types of hate groups that hate homosexuals. There are those that hate almost everyone who is not exactly like them like the Neo-Nazis and the KKK. The second are political religious groups that specifically demonize and persecute homosexuals like the the American Family Association (AFA) and the Abiding Truth Ministries. Finally, there are many people and religions who simply think that homosexuality is immoral. This is different from hate or persecution as they do not actively try to withhold rights and privileges to homosexuals, call them derogatory names, beat, murder, or otherwise cause harm to homosexuals. Simply disapproving of homosexuality is not enough for a group to be considered a hate group.

What is the holocaust in World War 2 describe the holocaust?

It was an organized mass extermination of groups of people considered "undesirable" by Nazi Germany. Groups targeted included Jews, Catholics, gypsies, homosexuals, artists, academics, and anyone else the Nazis felt like eliminating.

Who were killed besides Jews in the Holocaust?

Anyone Hitler believed didn't have morals, like homosexuals.

What groups of non Jews were killed in the Holocaust?

Every one that did not conform or except the nazi. The gypsies were rounded up and sent to death camps also.

Who were the groups of people who were mostly effected by the holocaust?

Mainly Jews, homosexuals, POWs , Romas, but also, citizens of other countries like USSR and Poland.

Who were discrimated in the holocaust?

Short answer: Anyone and everyone who did not 'fit in'. Long answer: jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies, political prisioners, anyone who the Germans didn't like.

Why did the Nazis start the Holocaust?

He wanted to create a pure master race and as such wanted to eliminate anyone that could weaken the race. Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, and anyone that didn't look like he wanted were eliminated.

What are hate groups?

There like normall groups like Just say if you hated someone then its just a grouup were you can join it.

How many in total were murdered during the Holocaust?

If you count only Jews, it's about 6 millions, but some scholars believe the definition of the Holocaust should include people in other groups like homosexuals, Soviet prisoners of war and civilians, disabled people, and other political and religious opponents. By this definition, over 11 to 17 million people were murdered.

Why do hate groups like the KKK exist?

Hate groups like the KKK exist due to ingrained prejudices, fear, and a desire for power and control. These groups often target marginalized communities and use hate as a means to spread their ideologies and recruit members, perpetuating a cycle of discrimination and violence.

What is the conclusion of Holocaust?

that is was a nightmare in history, and we should never let hate get out of control like it did

What two other groups were targeted during the holocaust?

Many minority groups were targeted. People like homosexuals, gypsies, and etc. were targeted.