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Q: Why did Henry VIII think he was being punished by god?
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Henry VIII he is famous for being fat. Plus he was a king. :)

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What college did Henry VIII go to?

Henry did not go to college i don't think

Did Henry VIII kill his parents?

No, why would you think that?

Could Henry VIII wear purple?

No, I think!

What was King Henry VIII fameus for being a what?

King Henry VIII was famous for having 6 wives, 2 of which he killed himself.

What were some of Henry the VIII jobs?

Henry VIII's jobs included being king, arranging the execution of some of his wives, and ordering the annullments of his marriages to the rest of them.

What happened to king Henry VIII fifth wife?

Catherine Howard was the fifth wife of Henry VIII. She met her end by being beheaded.

What did his people think of King Henry VIII?

that he was the herbalist person ever

Who was the father of queen Elisabeth 1?

King Henry VIII. Her mother was Queen Anne Boleyn.

What was Henry the v111 famouse for?

Henry VIII is famous for having 6 wives and being a powerful king.

How popular was the catholic church during Henry VIII's reign?

I'm not sure if this is the answer but i think the catholic was popular in Henry VIII reign because he supported catholics himself.