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Q: Why did Henry run back in the directions of the battle that he had just ran away from?
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After Henry had left the tattered and was back on the battle scene what did he realize?

After Henry had left the tattered soldier and was back on the battle scene, he realized he didn't have his rifle.

Why did Henry run back in the direction of the battle that he had just run away from?

the sounds were so big and so impressive that he felt he should see it

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Henry ran back to the battle because he felt guilty for abandoning his fellow soldiers. He wanted to redeem himself and prove his courage by rejoining the fight. Additionally, he may have felt a sense of duty and responsibility to stand with his comrades in battle.

What After Henry had left the tattered soldier and was back on the battle scene what did he realize?

After Henry had left the tattered soldier and was back on the battle scene, he realized he didn't have his rifle.

In The Red Badge of Courage what did he realize Henry had left the tattered soldier and was back on the battle scene?

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After Henry had left the tattered soldier and was back on the battle scene, he realized he didn't have his rifle.

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Hate To Be A Dissappointment But Theres No Way To Battle Palkia If You Run Away The 1st Time.

How did the Battle of Agincourt affect England?

The battle of Agincourt made King Henry V a national hero and was an amazing morale boost back in England, it rallied many more soldiers to the hundred years war.