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He was responsible for the deaths of millions, and did not do what he had promised the German people.

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Q: Why did Hitler have so many people that wanted to kill him?
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How many people planned to kill Hitler?

5 million Jews wanted to kill Hitler.

How why and where did Adolf Hitler kill the Jews?

He had many psychological problems and he wanted power!! Meglomaniac!!!!

What was the reasoning behind killing the Jewish people in WW2?

Adolph Hitler of Germany wanted to exterminate the Jewish nation and establish a "super race" of Aryan people. Many Jews escaped to friendly countries, but Hitler did manage to kill thousands of Jews.

Why and how was Hitler able to persuade so many people to support his plans?

most people who sided with Hitler wanted power or were afraid of him

How many hostages did Hitler kill?

10 to 15 million people.

How many people did Hitler kill in person?

His wife, his dog, and himself

How many people did hitler kill during his lifetime?

1 (himself).

Approximately how many people did Hitler kill?

Hitler killed 6 million people and out of the 6 million 1.5 million were children

Was what Hitler did in the holocaust right?

Depends on what you think is right, but in saying this, Hitler did kill many, many Jewish people because of their race.

What is Adolph Hitler famous for?

Well in Germany Adolph Hitler was running to be elected but when he wanted to be elected and kill or jail all the Jewish. The sozis were the people who didnt want Hitler to win the election like most of the Jews and the Nazis were the people who wanted hi to be elected. Eventually Hitler won because he made so many promises like i will help you get through the great depression. It is kind of wierd though Hitler had a bit of Jewish blood in him but he was ashamed of it.

How many people did Hitler kill during the Holocaust?

Over 7 million

How many people did Hitler kill in Denmark?

like 2 million people maybe more