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During the Founding (or, Formation) Period of American History, a strong central government was important for quite a few reasons. Perhaps most important was the nation's survival in the face of international (particularly, British) hostility: only a strong central government could provide the organization and planning that would empower a military force strong enough to protect the nation from conquest. It should not be overlooked, however, that domestic motivations for a strong central government also drove the Founders.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Madison and many others wanted a strong central government for several reasons. One, they realized that it would be complete chaos to have completely separate states, separate money systems for every state, separate interpretations of laws, etc. Also, he realized that if there was a strong central government, there would be checks and balances for both crazy faction groups and for failing economic systems. If one group tried to gain control of the confederacy (now the US), there would be a central government to stop them. If one state went bankrupt, that state could not pull all of its neighboring states down with it. There were some others, so I recommend reading Madison's federalist essay.

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9y ago

They believe in a strong central government because they didn't want to go back to the way things were with the king and later on with the AOC ( Articles of Confederation). They believed that the king was to hot/harsh.The Articles of Confederation were too cold, and they were too weak.

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13y ago

Because it promotes uniformity among the states.

Let me give you a little history lesson. Before the Constitution, the law of the land was the "articles of confederation." The articles put most of the power in the states, and the states squabbled amongst themselves. They wanted to create their own money, have their own banks, and tax out of state residents. This hampered commerce, and even weakened the US Militarily. The states, who had control over the militias, could choose not to send troops for a federal cause. So if Georgia was invaded, Maryland did not have to provide military aid.

The constitution, after being ratified, provided for a more strong central government in a federal system. States still have some level of autonomy (the create their own laws as long as they don't abrogate federal law or the constitution), but the states are subservient to the federal government in many important matters. For example, we all have the same currency, the US dollar. There is no Wisconsin dollar, New York dollar. We have one military (the best in the world if I might say so), instead of the Virginia militia, and the Florida militia. We can act in concert, fighting together, instead of squabbling amongst ourselves.

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12y ago

cheat the people out of $14 trillion an dforce the people to do whatever Washington tellls them to do.

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11y ago

America needs a strong central government to hold the states together, create laws to control the country, and prevent riots or rebellions.

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Shay's Rebellion

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Q: Why did James Madison and others want a stronger central government?
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