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because he was bored, i guess...?

He did not invent steam engines, he did however make very important adjustments and additions to them. He was a person who was in a field of instrument making and repair (such as scientific and mathematical instruments, now all replaced by computers I assume) this is why when he was in the University of Cardiff, working in his workshop there, he was requested to try and fix one of Thomas Newcomens steam engines, perhaps not an instrument but he was a technician, and living during a time where professions were not as specialised as today I assume is why he still got given the duty. Because of his great opurtunity to work with one of the worlds leading machine designs at the time he was also able to understand how unefficient it was which was the reason he began thinking of ways to improve it. James Watt's steam engine was apparently 3x more efficient than Newcomen's. A rough number but it replaced nearly all of Newcomens Engines (I believe), it was far less coal Hungary and was an extremely frugal purchase, at the time mainly for mine diggers.

So to some up he 'improved' Thomas Newcomen's steam engine because they were unefficient, it was he who did this because he was in a professional field which lead to a steam engine finding him and he could not refuse the chance of workign on one.

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