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The extreme isolationism that began sometime in the 1000s.

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Q: Why did Japan develop a very different culture from people in other parts in Asia?
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in japan things like rules are different Jamaican culture

Is Korea part of Japan?

No.Korea is not part of japan. japan and korean have different culture and language. They are different people. So,Before thousands years ago,they have been independent each other.

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Navajo culture, just like Germans have German culture and people in Japan have Japanese culture.

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Japan's culture definitely helped the country to develop economically. This is because what Japan valued could also be sold for a profit.

How is the US different from Japan?

The US is MUCH MUCH larger, Japan's culture is WAY different, and lastly 4 now, Japan is an island.

Is culture the same around the world?

No, different cultures exist in different parts of the world. For example: * The culture in China is very different form the culture in Canada. * The culture in Argentina is very different from the culture in Japan. * And each of those are very different from the culture in Zaire.

What is difference between filipino and Japanese people?

Filipino and Japanese people differ in terms of culture, language, and history. Filipinos are predominantly Christian and speak Filipino, while Japanese people are primarily Buddhist or Shinto and speak Japanese. Additionally, Japan has a more homogenous population compared to the ethnically diverse Philippines.

Are the UK and Japan generally quite similar or quite different?

The United Kingdom and Japan are very different when it comes to culture, lifestyles and religion.

How are Europe and Japan different from each other?

Japan is a country and Europe is a continent. Europe has about 50 countries in it. They are all different from each other and all very different from Japan. They are different in so many ways such as language, culture, food, geography, history, people, nature and so many other ways that it would be impossible to list them.

How did japans physical features affect the development of its culture?

Japan consists of islands. Unlike people living on the mainland, the people living on the islands seldom had conquest from the mainland. The people could develop their own culture. The terrain kept people from traveling very far within Japan. The lack of good vessels prevented much coastal trade. So, there were a number of small groups of people or Samuri and a ruler over a small group in each area,

Are Japan and China the same place?

Japan and China, China is mainland, Japan is a Island, Japan once was the land that the Chinese wanted to conquer but a storm prevented that from happen, China and Japan have different culture's, and live in different areas of Asia.

Which phrase is a description of japan?

It is very enthusiastic! Its full of people, culture!