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Scout had been wanting that baton in the store, and Jem wanted to buy it for her.

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Jem bought his sister a baton as a gift to replace the one she lost during the snowstorm. He wanted to show his care and thoughtfulness towards his sister by replacing something she valued.

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What did Jem use to attack Mrs Dubose's flowers?

Jem used Scout's baton to destroy Mrs. Dubose's flowers as an act of retaliation for the insults she hurled at them.

What did Jem do to Mrs Debuse's yard?

Jem ruined Mrs. Debuse's yard by destroying her camellia bushes with Scout's baton.

For Christmas Jem and Scout receive what presents while their Uncle Jack is staying with them in to killl a mockingbird?

Jem receives a twirling baton while Scout gets a baton of twirling baton of twirling. Uncle Jack gives them air rifles.

Where you can buy a baton?

You Can buy a conductors baton at most band or music stores. you can buy a baton twirling baton online or at a competition. be sure to have your arm measured before you buy one. i recommend sharp baton (what i use for team routines), star baton (what i use for individual routines), or abc baton.

Why did Jem ruin Mrs Dubose's flowers?

Jem ruined Mrs. Dubose's flowers because she had insulted and provoked him by making negative comments about his father, Atticus. Jem felt anger and frustration towards Mrs. Dubose's hurtful words, leading him to take revenge by destroying her flowers.

What did jem do when Mrs Dubose insulted atticus by saying he devended black people?

Jem took Scout's baton and chopped the tops of all Mrs. Dubose's camellia bushes. Then he snapped Scout's baton in half.

What does jem use to destroy mrs duboses flowers?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Jem uses Scout's baton to destroy Mrs. Dubose's camellia plants as a means of retaliation after Mrs. Dubose insults Atticus. This act ultimately leads to Jem reading to Mrs. Dubose as a punishment.

What did Jem do to Mrs. dubose for what she said about atticus?

He cut up her hedges and broke scouts baton

Where can you buy a steel baton for twirling?

I buy all mine from starline baton company, but i believe that American baton company also has some good ones.

What does jem do with scouts baton that gets him into trouble?

Jem uses Scout's baton to destroy Mrs. Dubose's camellia bushes in a fit of anger, which ultimately leads to his trouble with Atticus and Miss Maudie.

What did Jem do to her cameliia bushes?

Jem destroyed Mrs. Dubose's camellia and snow-on-the-mountains with Scout's newly bought baton. He is later punished by having to read to Mrs. Dubose everyday. :)