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That was the deal he made, no one knows why not gold, but the obvious reason would be the fact that gold coins were not commonly used due to their high value. It's like trying to pay for a hot dog with a thousand dollar bill.

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Judas received silver for betraying Jesus because it was a common currency at the time, and 30 pieces of silver was the price agreed upon for betraying someone. Gold may have been seen as too valuable for such a transaction.

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Q: Why did Judas get paid silver and not gold for betrayal of chrit?
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Which apostle betrayed Jesus?

Peter did not betray Jesus; Judas did that. You might be thinking of the three denials: Jesus predicted that Peter would deny him three times before the crew that morning, and Peter did. (King James version: St. Matthew 26:68-75)

How much in kilograms does a hundred thousand talents of gold and a thousand thousand talents of silver weigh and their current value 1 Chronicle 22v14?

In 1 Chronicles 22:14, King David prepared 100,000 talents of gold and 1,000,000 talents of silver for building the temple. In terms of weight, 100,000 talents of gold would be approximately 3.4 million kilograms, and 1,000,000 talents of silver would be around 34 million kilograms. As for current value, it would depend on the market price of gold and silver at the time of calculation.

What character in the bible brought gold and silver goblets from the temple in Jerusalem?

The character who brought gold and silver goblets from the temple in Jerusalem was Belshazzar, the Babylonian king mentioned in the Book of Daniel. He used these sacred vessels during a feast, which led to the infamous "writing on the wall" incident foretelling his downfall.

How much does a church bell cost?

The cost of a church bell can vary widely depending on its size, material, and quality. Generally, prices can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. Specialized carillons or larger bells for cathedrals can cost even more.

Which settlement were looking for gold silver adventure or catholic mission work?

The settlement that was seeking gold, silver, and adventure was typically associated with the Spanish conquistadors and explorers who sailed to the Americas in search of riches. On the other hand, settlements focused on Catholic mission work aimed to spread Christianity and convert indigenous populations to the faith. These missions often coexisted with exploration and colonization efforts in the New World.

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How many pieces of gold and silver did Judas betrade Jesus for?

According to the Bible, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

When was gold used in exchange for betraying Jesus?

Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Afterward, Judas regretted his action. So Judas threw down the money and went to hang himself.As to gold money, the rulers during Jesus' time period kept all the gold for themselves.

Did Judas get the gold when he betrayed Jesus?

No not at all, as the bible very clearly says Jesus was betrayed by Judas for thirty silver coins (definitely not thirty gold coins) as this was the price of a normal slave in roman times.

What actors and actresses appeared in Silver and Gold - 2009?

The cast of Silver and Gold - 2009 includes: Greg Eccleston as Ryan Judas Falling as Kyle Belinda Gosbee as Arien Alexia Kelly as Sienna Keith McIlroy as Martin Clayton Moss as Phil

What do the thirty pieces of silver represent in the Bible?

It stands for the thirty pieces of silver that Judas was paid to betray Jesus. Silver, gold and copper were used for trading and buying the same way food was used for bartering.AnswerThe 30 pieces of silver explains to you as a betrayal in the bible but the truth of that parable is ,its a female that was reveal to us the disciple in the book of Matthew chapter 27 versus 9-10 says "then what the prophet :יִרְמְיָה, also known as Jeremiah had said came true,"They took the Thirty silver coins The amount the people of Israel had agreed to pay for him as in Judas. Now lets go to Leviticus 27 chapterits shows you what the 30 silver coins is: its an Adult Female...Which is Wisdom Lets go to the book of proverbs. There you find what wisdom or who wisdom is.

Which is heavier gold or silver?

Gold is heavier than silver. Gold has a higher density than silver, which means that a specific volume of gold will weigh more than the same volume of silver.

Which resources first brought settlers to the interior west?

It was gold and silver

What is the chemical symbol for gold and silver?

The chemical symbol for gold is Au, which comes from the Latin word "aurum." The chemical symbol for silver is Ag, which is derived from the Latin word "argentum."

You breed a two chao gold and silver but i didn't get a gold and silver chao why?

If you breed a gold and silver chao, you can get * a Gold chao * a Silver chao * a Gold chao with silver highlights * Or a Silver chao with gold highlights If you didn't get any of these, somethings wrong with your gamecube/dreamcast

Can silver be gold?

No. But silver can be sold. As can slivers of gold.

What is heavier gold or silver?

Gold is heavier than silver. Gold has a higher density compared to silver, which means that a given volume of gold will weigh more than the same volume of silver.

Do gold and silver have reactivity?

Gold is a very unreactive metal and does not tarnish in air or water. Silver is also relatively unreactive, but it can react with sulfur compounds in the atmosphere, leading to tarnishing.