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Because Satan led Judas to betray Jesus for a few pieces of money, he was guilt ridden after he done this, because it was Satan pushing him to do it, but little did Satan know God knew what was going to happen and Jesus death was God's plan to pay the ransom for us.

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Q: Why did Judas grab the Romans while Jesus slept?
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Why is the sky blue why is water wet why did Judas grab the Romans while Jesus slept?

The sky is blue because of something called Rayleigh scattering. Longer wavelengths of light pass through the atmosphere, while shorter ones (i.e. blue) are absorbed. Water is made of 2 parts hydrogen, 1 part oxygen (H2O). This combination produces a polarized liquid. The term 'wet' is used to describe any liquid - water falls into this category. The common story of Judas (Iscariot, I assume) is that he sold the location of Jesus to the Romans while Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane (not sleeping). The common belief is that Judas had been tempted by the devil to do this for temporal wealth (which wasn't all that much), at the price of his eternal salvation, and later turned into a persuasive biblical story. A less common belief, held by Gnostic sects in the centuries after Jesus' death, is that Judas Iscariot was the most honourable disciple of Jesus, and the only one willing to let him go through with his earthly mission of dying for the sins of the world. As such, Jesus asked him to bring the Romans to him at the conclusion of his prayer in the garden, and while he appeared to betray Jesus, was the only one truly helping him with his purpose of being on Earth. Or, he never recognized Jesus as godly in any way. He saw a crazy person gaining momentum in the churches, and got on his side for some free food and such. When the Romans called it quits, he got on their good side (Jesus was screwed at this point). As to what truly happened......who knows

Did Judas fall asleep while Jesus was praying in the garden of gethsemane?

He wasn't there - he'd gone off to betray Jesus.

If Judas hadn't betrayed Jesus then he wouldn't have been crucified and saved the world so why do we think of Judas as being evil?

While Judas played a role in the events leading to Jesus's crucifixion, it was ultimately part of God's plan for salvation. Judas's betrayal was a result of his own choices and actions, and he is often viewed as evil because of his deceit and betrayal of trust. His actions were driven by greed and selfishness, which are typically seen as negative characteristics.

What was the profession of Judas son of James disciple of Jesus?

Computer programmer. Also was a photographer for a while.

Where did Jesus find Judas?

Yes, he was missing for 18 years, while he practice yoga in India.

Why do christians blame Jews for killing Jesus while they know it was Romans who did it?

because the Jews gave Jesus up to the Romans.... there for putting the final nail in his coffin.

What is the difference between Judah and peters betrayal to Jesus?

Judas betrayed Jesus by arranging for his arrest and leading soldiers to him, while Peter denied knowing Jesus three times out of fear during Jesus' trial. Judas eventually felt remorse and returned the money he was paid, ultimately leading to his suicide, while Peter later repented and became a key leader in the early Christian church.

How many accounts of the last supper are there in the new testament?

Matthew and Mark have Jesus announced his betrayal at the Last Supper while they were eating. "Now when the even was come, he sat down with the twelve. And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me."Luke and John have Jesus announced his betrayer after they have eaten the Last Supper. Matthew and John have Jesus identify his betrayer. Mark and Luke have Jesus did not identify his betrayer. Matthew have Jesus disclose his betrayer by an implied affirmative answer to Judas'. Judas asked; "Master, is it I?" Jesus said unto him, Thou hast said" John have Jesus disclose his betrayer by giving Judas a sop. "Jesus answered, He it is to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot." Luke have Satan enter Judas before the Last Supper. John have Satan enter Judas after the Last Supper.

When was While England Slept created?

While England Slept was created in 1938.

What does the phrase one man betrayed with a kiss?

This phrase refers to an act of betrayal where someone outwardly shows affection or loyalty, such as with a kiss, while secretly planning to deceive or harm another person. It alludes to the Biblical story of Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus with a kiss before his crucifixion.

Spear that pierce Jesus in his side?

The Romans pierced the side of Jesus with a spear to see if he was dead while on the cross and they found that yes he was.

Who betrayed god?

In religious texts, depending on the belief system, figures such as Lucifer, also known as Satan, and Judas Iscariot are often portrayed as betrayers of God. Lucifer is said to have rebelled against God, while Judas Iscariot is known for betraying Jesus.