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Q: Why did Latin American nations remain economically dependent after gaining political independence?
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Why were Latin American nations economically dependent on the west?

Mostly because they were dependent on their former master for all types of trade.

Latin American revolutionary who became economically and militarily dependent on the Soviet union?

fidel Castro

What did American colonies declare their independence based on?

John Locke's political writings.

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The American Declaration of Independence.

Why were the latin American countries so economically dependent on European countries?

their independence movement had put them in debt and with upcoming problems like natural disasters that had destroyed a lot of property many countries were deep in debt so they hung onto Europe for support and borrowed the money they needed

What were the struggles for political independence in latin America in the 1800s influenced by?

american and french revolution

What were Simon bolivars social and political goals?

For the Latin American countries to have independence from Spain.

How did spanish and portuguese policies prevent their latin American colonies from developing their own economies?

Mercantilist policies made Latin America economically dependent on Spain and Portugal

What was the political faction that supported the American dream of independence from England and kings?

the declaration yeah that's it

Who the American Revolution?

The political revolution against England resulting in the independence of the 13 colonies of Britain in N.A.

The growth of American migration into northern Mexico?

laid the basis for a political conflict that reuslted in Texas independence

Why did Latin American nation remain poor and industrialized after they gained independence?

Because after they fought for their independence, the nations went into ruins, economical, political and discipline problems.