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To consecrate means to make sacred. In the next few lines he says that the world will not care what we say here, but they can't forget what the men did here. Their bravery and their sacrifice makes it sacred far more than a speech ever can. Lincoln is saying this because that's probably what he felt. How can his two minute long speech make a ground sacred? Instead it is the men who gave their lives who made it a scared place.

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Q: Why did Lincoln say the people meeting for the dedication of that cemetery could not dedicate consecrate or hallow this ground?
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But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate we can not consecrate we can not hallow this ground.

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Answer President Lincoln spoke the Gettysburg Address on the occasion of the dedication of the cemetery at Gettysburg. In his short speech, he basically said that we could not dedicate this hollowed ground any more than those who died here.

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Lincoln made the speech at the dedication of the military cemetery, not a hotel.