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He thought that it was a way of thinking that opposed private property and supported common ownership.

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He got rid of a lot of religions, and allowed people to think for themselves instead some backward religion tell them what to think

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Q: Why did Mao Zedong think a communist gov was a good idea for china?
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Was Mao Zedong a good communist leader?

no he was not he killed a lot of people and your face.

What mao zen dong best known for?

Mao Zedong is best known for being the founding father of the People's Republic of China and the leader of the Chinese Communist Party. He led the Communist revolution in China and implemented radical policies such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, which had profound and lasting impact on Chinese society, politics, and economy. He is also known for his leadership during the Chinese Civil War and his establishment of a socialist regime in China.

Is demacracy a good form of government?

Of course. If you don't think so make a visit to communist China, Russia, or other countries that are not democratic.

What was a key outcome of president Nixon's 1971 state of union address?

He referred to Communist China by its official name.

When did China stop being communist?

By the formal definitions of communism, China was never a communist state because control of social resources had not fallen into the proletariat nor had class divisions been removed. In effect, China was a state-led bureaucratic state which, economically, was centrally-planned. This central-planning partly discontinued during the late 1970s and has continually slowed to the modern day.

Is the main color red in China?

For communist China, yes. China thinks red is good luck and wears it on New Years Day.

Was Mao Zedong good for China or bad for China?

Overall he was good. The Chinese were dirt poor and were colonized by Europe. Mao and the implementation of his ideology freed China from foreign control, and improved lives for a billion people. Unfortunately, the communists killed millions of people under Mao during the cultural revolution. After the neo-liberal reformations of Deng Xiaoping (which dissolved the state-communist system), poverty rose and living standards stagnated.

What was life in China like through the life of Mao Zedong?

It was very good for the poor people oppressed by the capitalists, because he greatly improved their standard of living and destroyed the rotten capitalist influence in China.

Was the communist revolution good for china?

No, It's really not good for China. People in China have not any human right that they can have !

Why didn't china and the United states have good relations before 1972?

The United States recognized Taiwan as the "real" China. or china supported North Vietnam or The United States supported Taiwan rather than communist China. ((apex)) <3 kelsmo m. mk :)

Which of these is recognized as the foremost communist government in the world today?

According to the Robert Service, an Oxford University scholar, North Korea follows the communist rules the closest. China, Laos, Cuba, and Vietnam also claim to be communist.

What is the Red China?

In China, red symbolizes joy as well as good fortune. Red is a particularly popular color during Chinese New Year celebrations. Also, for decades, the color red has been synonymous with communism and was often used on flags and symbols of communist countries.