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Q: Why did Martin Luther not accept the authority or popes and councils?
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How did Catholic Church accept Martin Luther?

No, instead he was excommunicated as a heretic.

What other things accept the reformation did Martin Luther do?

Martin Luther translated the Bible from Latin to German because mass back then was all held in latin.

How did Martin Luther King father influence his life?

his dad was a minster and did not accept racism

What date did Martin Luther King Jr accept Nobel Peace Prize?

December 10, 1964

What makes a Christian group protestant instead of Catholic?

Refusal to accept the office of the Pope as the supreme authority over the Church, refusal to accept the Dogmas of the faith, refusal to accept the authority of the church councils, refusal to accept the 7 sacraments, and or lack of a valid Priesthood (As opposed to Orthodox with a Valid Priesthood). Their Church is founded by a man, less then 500 years old, based on the 5 solas, Lacks the authority aside from the bible.

Why did Martin Luther King Jr initially accept discrimination as a way of life?

Martin Luther King Jr did not initially accept discrimination as a way of life. He became more aware of the impacts of discrimination through personal experiences and his studies, which motivated him to become a prominent leader in the civil rights movement.

Would Martin Luther King Jr Jr accept the words prejudice?

Your question is unclear Obviously he accepted that there was prejudice, that is what he was fighting against. If he accepted the fact, perforce he had to accept the word

How does martin Luther king try to convince his audience to accept his dream?

M.L. King uses a number of techniques to persuade his audience to join his campaign.

witch likely reson why martin luther translated the bibel into german?

was wahrscheinlich daran enthält, warum Martin Luther die Bibel übersetzt hat

Whose authority did the colonies not accept?

Parliament's authority

What was the pope's response to ninety-five Theses?

The pope's responses to Martin Luther, and his ninety-five theses is covered in The Cleaving of Christendom, by Warren H. Carroll starting on page 8, and running off and on through page 189. In mid-June of 1518, the papal procurator, Mario de Perusco, made a formal charge of heresy against Luther for denying the existence of the treasury of grace and questioning the authority of the Pope. Pope Leo X had ordered Martin Luther to Rome to answer the charges, when Luther manifested that he had no intention on obeying the summons (contrary to his freely taken vow of obedience) the Pope responded by having his legate declare Luther a notorious heretic, and bring him before the German Diet in Augsburg - by arrest, if necessary. On October 12 Luther and Carinal Cajetan met and Luther was instructed to recant two propositions: 1) that the Church does not hold a treasury of graces from Christ and the saints from which to dispense indulgences; and 2) that the sacraments of the Church are efficacious only by faith, and not by their own operation. The Cardinal argued by the authority of St. Thomas Aquinas, whom Martin Luther despised, and Luther insisted that he must be convinced by Scripture, the Fathers, papal definitions, or sound reason. Cardinal Cajetan promptly cited the bull Unigenitus by Pope Clement VI. Luther promptly condemned Unigenitus and withdrew his stated willingness to accept papal definitions - they ended up shouting. Finally, the Pope issued the bull Exsurge Domine specifically condemning the errors of Martin Luther, on June 15, 1520, the following year on January 3, 1521, he issued the bull, Decet Romanum Pontificemexcommunicating Martin Luther, the heretic, and his Followers. See links below.

What does Martin Luther king mean by the tranquilizing drug of gradualism?

I think he meant that the change needed was urgent. People should accept that things were changing slowly, bit by bit, but should demand their rights immediately.