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because everyone had felt sorry for the finches, especially atticus. She felt she could help by making the cake

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1mo ago

Miss Maudie invited the children in for cake after the trial to lift their spirits and show them that there is still kindness and goodness in the world despite the injustice they witnessed. It was a way for her to provide comfort and support to them during a difficult time.

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Q: Why did Miss Maudie invite the children in for cake on the day after the trial?
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In To Kill a Mockingbird what is the relationship between Miss Maudie and her students?

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The lady who loves to garden in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is Miss Maudie Atkinson. She is known for her green thumb and shares her love of gardening with Scout and Jem. Miss Maudie is a kind and wise neighbor who serves as a positive influence in the children's lives.