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Mecca was a stable city with a flourishing trade; the people there were not especially receptive to new ideas about God, particularly when they economically threatened the trade with the pilgrims.

Yathrib was a divided city of tribes; three Arab and three Jewish. They were already exposed, through the Jews, to the concept of monotheism and they welcomed Muhammed as a potential peacemaker who could "see both sides" of the Arab-Jewish question. (This didn't work out; after a time, Muhammed became convinced that the Jews were plotting against him and had them killed or enslaved. To this day, no Jews are allowed to come within sight of Yathrib, now named Medinat al Nabi, the City of the Prophet.)

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They migrated, per God command, to get better environment for practicing Islam ritual worships and morals especially when God informed prophet Muhammad that unbelievers of Makkah (Mecca) set a plan to assassinate him.

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11y ago

whether its there or here for the lahme i drive hour because lahme gives me power,chilling eating shish kebab

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Q: Why did Mohammed and his followers migrate to Yethrib?
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When was the first Islamic state established?

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Muslims.The prophet is called Mohammed.

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They are called Muslims and they believe that their is only 1 God called Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.

Why did the islam leader fled?

Islam leader; prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him); didn't escape from Makkah (or Mecca) to Yethrib (or Medina or AlMadinah). He was ordered by God to migrate to Medina to start calling for Islam from there. It was not on his own choice.

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Ethiopia is the answer. The righteous King of Ethiopia gave protection to the early followers the Prophet Mohammed and Islam.

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What was the significance of the Hegira?

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