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Q: Why did Muhammad spread Islam and how was his message received in mecca and in Medina?
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What was the message given in the first revelation of Prophet Muhammad by Allah?

The first mesaage that Muhammad received was that allahtold him that you are my prophet and you will spread Islam

How was Muhammad's message received in Mecca and Medina?

Prophet Muhammed received his message via the angel Gabriel. Gabriel delivered the word of God directly to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).Initially (in Mecca), Muhammad's message was met with pity and mockery from the majority of the locals. Only the closest people within Muhammad's social circle converted to Islam however, apart from this there were no significant positive responses. After seeing the growing influence of Islam, the leaders of Mecca resorted to persecuting Muhammad and his followers. They even bribed him to let go of Islam, promising him wealth and power. Eventually, Muhammad and his tribe were boycotted and exiled to the Valley of Abu Talib where they had to face inhumane conditions, having nothing to eat or drink. After this exile was ended however, Muhammad resorted to spread his message to Medina.The people of Medina were more welcoming to Muhammad, and his message. They lent an open-ear, Muhammad knew that know from the resultants of the Pledges of Aqabah. So, when he moved to Medina and assumed control, a vast majority received his message with respect and sincerity. It was the city of Medina that allowed Muhammad to nurture Islam and present it as it is now, a global religion.

When did Muhammad spread the message of Allah?

Answer: Around 600+ AD

What did the Prophet Muhammad establish in Medina?

Mohammed created the first Islamic City State in Medina and wrote the Constitution of Medina, giving specific rights and duties to the various Jewish Arab and Pagan Arab tribes in addition to the Muslims.

Which religion began in mecca and spread to medina by the Prophet Muhammad?

Islam religion per Quran revelation to him by God through Angel Jibril (Gabriel)

Who did Islam start?

Prophet Muhammed had received a message from ALLAH, and from that day on it spread.

Why was Islam succsesfull?

The reason why Islam was so successful is because it was spread as soon as the message was given to the prohet Muhammad(PBUH)

Why did Muhammad ali join nation of Islam?

He received a message from an archangel named Gabriel, and after Gabriel told him to tell everyone about Islam, he took it upon himself to be the first one to spread it and believe it since an angel told him about the religion.

Who invented Muslim?

No one can invent a religion, but it could be founded by someone. According to history,Islam was founded by Muhammad(the last prophet) he had spread the idea of Islam to people in Makkah, but many people who converted to Islam there were persecuted. So Muhammad and some of his followers traveled to Yathrib and later was called Medina. Many people in Medina converted to Islam.

What problem did Muhammad encounter while trying to spread the message of Islam?

umm to be 100% honest i have no idea

How did Muhammad make history?

Muhammad was a prophet of Allah (Muslim God) and is not worshipped but because he received the qur'an by the angel Gabriel and spread it around the world he is the founder of Islam

Why is Muhammad considsred one of the most important person in history?

The Holy prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)had a very important role in the spread of Islam.He was the last prophet and delivered God's message to the Arabs and the message of the Qur'an was preached by him.He is a role model in aspects of life for all Muslims.