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England's Navy was too strong. Napoleon never managed to have Naval parity with the UK in terms of Naval shipping tonnage, Naval gunfire, Naval tactics or Naval leadership. An invasion fleet would have bee badly mauled on the way to the beach. It would never have been capable of putting an adequate landing party onto the shore to take the offensive and could not provide the logistical support if it did.

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Q: Why did Napoleon never invade England?
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Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte had an extensive plan to invade England from 1803 to 1805. He had thousands of troops, ships, and other materiel for the invasion. However, he eventually decided that England's fleet was too strong and the invasion never took place.

Why did nepoleon never invade England?

The England navy was to large.

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Spain has never invaded England.

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Yes but had to abbandon his plans following Nelson's victory at the Battle of Trafalgar.

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Napoleon never invaded, conquered, occupied, ruled or ran the United Kingdom.

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Napoleon's invasion of Russia was a complete disaster.

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Napoleon Bonaparte did not successfully gain Russia, Spain, or Great Britain. He did not invade Britain because they were allies after signing a peace treaty. He didn't invade Spain because he was expanding west. He tried to invade Russia, but failed, making France lose EVERYTHING.

What started the battle of trafalgar?

Napoleon tried to invade England, Admiral Nelson was elected navy captain and defeated Napoleon. Have a look at URL in related links or go into google and type in 'Battle of Trafalgar guardian').

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