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Q: Why did Neil Armstrong think the rocket was going to sink into the moon?
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When did the last rocket go to the moon?

I think when Neil Armstrong went.

What is the name of the rocket neil Armstrong went in to the moon?

The rocket was called the Eagle, Neil Armstrong named it himself.

How did Neil Armstrong get to earth?

He flew on a rocket !

What did neil Armstrong say when he got back in the rocket?

Neil Armstrong said , It is a very quiet ride.

What was the name of the rocket that lead Neil Armstrong?

A Saturn V rocket

How Meany room's did Neil Armstrong's rocket have?


What was the name of Neil Armstrong's rocket?

Apollo 11

How did Neil Armstrong get onto the moon?

by using rocket

What rockets has neil Armstrong been on?

the rocket neil armstong has been on is called Saturn

What type of rocket carried Neil Armstrong?

The Saturn V

How did Neil Armstrong travel to the moon?

he went in a rocket ship

What transport did Neil Armstrong use?

If it is about the moon, then he used a rocket.