

Why did Nero become so cruel?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Why did Nero become so cruel?
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How did Nero become so powerful?

Nero became powerful because he was a Roman emperor. That was a position of power in itself. He got to that position through the conniving of his mother.

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Nero was not a Roman god, he was an insane Roman emperor.

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It was said that, after recovering from a serious illness, Caligula became mad and cruel. Nero was subjected to slanderous allegations by Roman writers who were hostile to him. Commodus was a cruel emperor.

How did Roman Emperor Nero become emperor?

Nero became emperor because. Claudius ate a poisoned Mushroom.

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Do not be cruel to animals.Why are you so cruel to me?Her actions were very cruel.

How did Nero really become a ruler?

Nero was a direct descendant of Augustus via his mother. It was his mother who married the emperor Claudius and then persuaded Claudius to adopt Nero as his heir. At the suspicious death of Claudius, Nero became the emperor.

What is a sentence for the word cruel?

Why are you so cruel to me?That was a very cruel thing to do.

What were Nero's negative contributions?

He burned and crucified Christians such as Paul and Peter. He also killed many Roman which led to a revolt against him. Being a christian myself i think Nero was extremely cruel not only to Christians but to Romans too.