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Q: Why did Prime Minister Borden break his promise that Canadians would never be conscripted?
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Who was the Prime Minister of Canada in 1916?

The Right Honouable Sir Robert Laird Borden of Nova Scotia was the Prime Minister of Canada in 1918.Sir Robert Borden was the 8th Prime Minister of Canada from 1911 October 10 to 1920 July 10.

Who was the prime minister of Canada at the start of the First World War?

Robert Borden Robert Borden

Who was the eighth prime minister of Canada?

Robert Borden

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When was Sir Robert Borden elected the Prime Minister of Canada?

Sir Robert Borden was elected the Prime Minister of Canada on 1911 September 21 and again on 1917 December 17.He officially became Prime Minister on 1911 October 10.

Would Canada have gone to war in 1914 if Borden was not prime minister?

Yes. At that time, the majority of Canadians were of British descent. The Governor General also declared Canada at war before much debate over whether to go to war or not was started.

Why is Robert borden on the 100 dollar bill?

He is a premier minister from 1911 to1920

Who was Canada's Prime Minister during our Centennial year?

Sir Wilfrid Laurier was the Prime Minister of Canada in 1900.Sir Wilfred Laurier was the 7th Prime Minister of Canada from 1896 July 11 to 1911 October 6, over 15 years.

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minister of milita and defence until dissmissed by Robert borden

Who is persons face is on the 100 dollar bill in Canada?

Prime Minister Robert L. Borden

What were Robert borden basic strengths as prime minister?

i dont know i was wondering the same thing

Did Canadian conscription have any outcome on world war 1?

Yes it was but for a very short time. There was an election known as the "khaki election" where two candidates, Laurier and Borden were running for prime minister. Broden was for conscription Laurier was against. Borden won but barely even enlisted anyone, 100,000 enlisted but there were so many loopholes in the system that 90% of them got out of it.