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Q: Why did Princess Diana dropped out high school?
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What high school did Princess Diana attend?

Princess Diana went to high school at West Health Girls' School in Kent. However, she dropped out at the age of 16.

Did Princess Diana finish high school?

Diana, Princess of Wales, mistakenly called Princess Diana did not have a degree in anything. She was what would be considered a high school drop out. She failed her O level exams, and was sent to a boarding school in Switzerland where she left early.

What did Princess Diana majoring in college?

Princess Diana ever realy study anything beccause she bary made it though high school and didn't even go to collage. But one suject she was realy good at was home Economics.

Did Princess Diana go to college where did she go to college?

Diana was first educated at Silfield School in Kings Lynn, Norfolk, then at Riddlesworth Hall in Norfolk and at West Heath Girls' School (later reorganised as the New School at West Heath, a special school for boys and girls) in Sevenoaks, Kent, where she was regarded as a poor student, having attempted and failed all of her O-levels twice.[3] In 1977, at the age of 16, she left West Heath and briefly attended Institut Alpin Videmanette, a finishing school in Rougemont, Switzerland.

What university did Princess Diana go to?

Princess Diana did not go to college. She is what would be considered a high school drop out. She went to Boarding School, but failed all her O level exams so her parents decided to take her to a Finishing School in Switzerland. She did not stay there very long and shortly before her 17th birthday moved back to London.

Where did Diana go to high school?

Cass Technicle High School

What is the motto of Princess Anne High School?

The motto of Princess Anne High School is 'The mission of Princess Anne High School, in cooperation with family and community, is to empower our students to meet the challenges of the future.'.

Who are some famous high school dropouts?

There are many notable high school dropouts in the United States historically that have become famous. Among the most famous are inventor Thomas Edison, Princess of Wales Diana Spencer, and Albert Einstein.

What is the name of Carter's High School?

Carter's High School? She/He means Carter, from Princess Protection Program. Whats the name of carters( from princess protection program ) high school?

This person worked at a childcare center before becoming a well known political figure?

Princess Diana worked at a high-class nursery school before she married

Can you get your license if you dropped out of high school?
