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cause Nixon was a president. and they can be rasict

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Q: Why did Richard Nixon hate Noam Chomsky so much?
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Why did Richard Nixon hate john lennon?

he was jellos

What are some famous Nixon quotes?

Edward "Ed" Nixon was Richard Nixon's youngest brother. Regarding the resignation of his brother he said... his brother did not resign "in disgrace" but "resigned in honor. It was a disappointment to him because his missions were cut short."

Why did Nixon hate John Lennon?

It was because he was jealous.He would have pat nixon were a yoko ono mask and hum to him

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What president was the most scandalous?

Depending on what you hate most in a president; Richard Nixon (undermining the constitution via the watergate scandal); Bill Clinton (Sex); George W Bush (Legalizing privacy violations and some torture) or Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Being Crippled).

Did Richard III hate his brothers George and Edward?

They certainly had their disagreements, but it is very harsh to say he hated them.

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Richard Dawkins does not hate God. He is an atheist and as such does not believe in him/her and therefore does not have any feelings towards God one way or the other. Dawkins book "The God Delusion" is not against God but against the concept of organised religion, particularly the concept of an 'Abrahamic personal God.' Richard Dawkins doesn't waste his time with God or Zeus.

Did President Nixon not used to diffuse the public ill will over Vietnam?

President Nixon did not use the election and election promises to diffuse ill-will over the war in Vietnam. He wanted to keep the people angry and essentially make them hate the Vietnamese to keep support over the war efforts.

What did President Nixon not use to diffuse the public ill-will over Vietnam?

President Nixon did not use the election and election promises to diffuse ill-will over the war in Vietnam. He wanted to keep the people angry and essentially make them hate the Vietnamese to keep support over the war efforts.

Did Richard III hate the Tudors?

Considering it was Henry Tudor who killed him at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, I should think he would hate them. Certainly, being dead, he did not live to see any other Tudors.

Was president Richard Nixon liked by many?

Yes. He is well known for opening up Communist China to the Western world. There are still many people who find him appealing. What his downfall was Watergate (as I'm sure you know). This turned many people against him, however he was liked well enough to be elected a second time. Many people hate him, but many people like (liked) him as well.

How did the watergate scandal affect the mood of the citizens of America?

I think most people got bored with all the congressional hearings. People who did not like Nixon found the scandal to be a reason to hate him. The Democrats won the White House in 1976 with a weak candidate, probably due in large part to the Watergate Scandal and Ford's pardon of Nixon.