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In a pre-mechanical transport and pre-telecommunications age, it was impractical to govern and defend the empire from a central location so it was divided under the control of two Emperors and two Caesars, each with their own provinces.

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Q: Why did Romans divide their empire in 395 A.D?
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Was the city of Rome a safe place to live in 395 AD?

395 AD would have been in the midst of the Roman decline, the believed date that the formal Roman Empire fell is 476 AD. 395 AD marks the date of the offical split of East and West Roman Empires. If you are living in this time i would say it would be smart to be living in Constanople instead of Rome due to many barbarian attacks on the Western Empire during this time period and ultimately the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

Why did Diocletian divide the Rome Empire?

AD 293 (obviously)

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the Romans invaded England in 43 AD.

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The Romans never conquered the British empire. The British empire began roughly 1,600 years after Rome fell. Rome annexed the province of Britannia into its empire in 43 AD.

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Roman. It was the ending of the Roman Empire that started the middle ages in 410 AD.

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Britain was part of the Roman Empire from about the year 49 AD until about 410 AD. The Romans called it Britannia.

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The Roman Empire existed from 27 BC - 476 AD in the West and285-1453 AD in the East. The Roman Republic predated the Roman Empire by about 500 years.

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When did diocletian divide the empire into a tetrarchy?

Emperor Diocletian divided the Roman empire into a tetrarchy in A.D. 293.

What was the the official religion of the roman empire in 395 AD?

A somewhat compromised, state empowered, hierarchical version of Christianity (more and more Churchianity)

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Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the Romans on December 25, 800 AD, in Rome. Today we call he empire the Carolingian Empire to distinguish it from the ancient Roman Empire, the Medieval Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire), and the Holy Roman Empire.

The period in history between AD 395 and AD 1500 is known as the?

Middle Age