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Q: Why did Rose Scott decided to spend her lifetime fighting for others rights and freedom?
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They are fighting fordeliberationso thatIslamcan be free to practice their religions as youIslamicreligion is sodifferentfrom others. Islamic fundamentalist Revolution are targeting freedom of speech .

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Because he thought that if others were fighting in the war to get their freedom why couldn't he? So he fought because he thought that he could gain his freedom.( remember he was a slave)

Why did he want to fight for freedom?

I want freedom, u want freedom. Do on to others as you want others to do on to you.

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Duke won several awards such as the Grammy Lifetime Achievement award and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Their are many others but it would be to many to announce since Duke Ellington was such a great man!!!!!!

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Some races are restircted by age, some by gender. Others may be restricted to non-winners or horses that have only won 2 or 3 races in their lifetime or perhaps with the last year.

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Shakespeare was well-respected as an author in his lifetime. There were, of course, other well-respected authors at the time, lots of them.

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i perfer not to. They can die fighting each other. you should get separate cages for the ones who are fighting.

What restriction does the US government place on personal freedoms?

Personal freedoms must not take away the freedom of others.

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Puritans refused religious freedom to others. The Puritans who had come to Massachusetts to worship in their own way were not willing to allow others to do the same.

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A person who loves to exercise their freedom so much that they are willing to put up with other people exercising their freedom to have it. A hypocrite who believes in "freedom", but destroys the freedom of others.

Which restriction does the U.S. government place on personal freedom?

Personal freedoms must not take away the freedom of others.