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Q: Why did Serbia declare war on Germany?
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Who declared war in World War I?

Germany was the first country to declare war on Serbia in World War 1. The other countries were pulled into the war because the had alliances with either Serbia or Germany.

What was the spark that led to the immediate cause of the ww1?

The assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand was the immediate cause of World War I. He was killed by a Serbian terrorist, which caused Austria to declare war on Serbia. Serbia was allied with Russia, who intervened, causing Germany to declare war on Russia, which caused France to declare war on Germany.

Which factor played a major role in Austria-Hungary's decision to declare war on Serbia?

Germany guaranteed Austria-Hungary its support in the conflict with Serbia.

How did Germany encourage Austria's actions?

Germany actually did not encourage Austria-Hungary to declare with Serbia since it was not the first country to declare war on another during World War I. Austria-Hungary and Serbia were the first countries to enter World War I, only weeks before Germany joined in to help Austria-Hungary and the other Central Powers.

Why did Franz Ferdinand make Austria declare war on Germany?

The Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Bosnian-Serb. In retaliation Austria-Hungary gave Serbia an Ultimatum of demands designed to destroy Serbia's influence in Bosnia. Serbia rejected the Ultimatum and Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Germany was Austria-Hungary's ally and agreed to assist Austria-Hungary in the invasion of Serbia. Russia, fearing an invasion of Serbia would end it's own influence in the Balkans began to mobilize for war. As a result, Germany declared war on Russia.

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Which was the first to declare war?

Austria-Hungary on Serbia.

Why did Germany declare war on Russia?

Answer: Russia mobilized along the German border. Russia's mobilization amounted to a declaration of war. On August 1, German government declare war on Russia.

Who declared war with Serbia in war world 1?

The 1st country to declare war on Serbia was Austria-Hungary.

What were the key dates of World War 1?

The Final spark that started the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28th 1914, by Serbian activists. This mean that on July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Now, here's the confusing bit; Russia, Serbia's Ally, orders full mobilisation of troops. This causes Germany, Serbia's Ally, to declare war on Russia on August 1st. Russia's Ally FRANCE now mobilise their troops. Germany declares war on France, too. Britain, allied to France, intervein and declare war on Germany.

Who did Austria declare war on in 1914?

austria declared war on Serbia in 1914