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Stalin hopes that by the Allies invading Europe, Germany would have to fight on two fronts. This would split the German forces, and reduce the pressure on the Russian/Germany front.

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Q: Why did Stalin want the Allies to attack in Europe immediately  ?
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Josef Stalin, the dictator of the Communist government of the USSR, Soviet Republic was the person who allied with the Allies after Hitler broke an agreement to not attack Russia.

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Stalin wanted the other Allies to begin attacking Germany from the West in order to relieve Russian armies fighting in the East. This attempt failed, though, as the Allies ignored Stalin's plea and continued their original plan to fight along the coast of Africa, coming from the South in Italy.

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Stalin and the USThe Soviet Union never went to war against the US. (I hope you're not confusing him with Hitler). They indirectly fought as allies in both the Korean and Vietnam War, but niether of them directly attacked each other, and especially not Joseph Stalin (who wasn't even in power for the Vietnam War).

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Where was Stalin at during World War 2?

The soviet union and Germany declared an armistice before the war started. and when Hitler conquered all of Europe, he got bored and decided to attack the soviet union. at that time, Stalin thwarted off the attack and headed for Germany. He was a main reason why Germany fell in world war 2