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Steve Jobs named his company Apple because he thought the name was "fun, spirited and not intimidating." It is represented by an Apple symbol. There is a bite out of it so it would not be confused with other fruits.

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The first Apple logo was a picture of.Isaac newton sitting under a tree with an apple dangleing overhead. This lasted until 1976-1998 when it was replaced by a logo of an apple with multicolored stripes. Jobs is reported having wanted colored apple because he wanted to "humanize" the company. The bite is in the apple so it wouldn't be mistaken for a tomato. As Apple developed more products the logo changed with the new products because they didn't fit the design or look good on it.

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steve was in his dorm when he was making the product and he had an apple in his hand so he said if i cant think of anything better then...

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its because a bitten apple is machorie of the human raise, it resembles when adam and eve eat the froot of the forbidden tree of life! look into it! eye-phone its a lluminati thing!

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Q: Why did Steve jobs use an apple for his logo?
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Steve Jobs had worked during the summer at an apple farm, and admired the Beatles' record label, Apple. He also believed Apples to be the most perfect fruit. He and Steve Wozniak were trying to figure out a name for their new company, and they decided that if they couldn't think of one by the end of the day that was better than Apple, they would choose Apple. They couldn't think of anything better, so on April 1, 1976, Apple Computer, Inc. was born.But they needed a logo. The first design included Sir Isaac Newton, a tree and a banner that said "Apple Computer." Jobs decided they needed a less busy logo, one that would signify a brand. The second logo attempt was very similar to the current logo, but without the bite taken out of it. Jobs thought this logo looked too much like an orange. The third attempt was the logo that Apple still uses.I got this info from the website, many more apple facts on there tooQuite right he did like the Beatles, but the Beatles had the brand name first,and Jobs had to pay the The Beatles 26.5 million dollars to use the logo

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Why steven jobs use an apple as logo?

Apple's original logo showed Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree, representing his famous theories about gravity. However, it looked more like a picture rather than a logo. Thus, the company created the much simpler bitten-apple logo that continues to be used today.

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Use your head! Dont ask me!

Who are Steve Jobs and bill gates and why are they so important?

They make computers, Without them we wouldn't be able to use the internet :(

What did Steve Jobs contribute?

The Apple Inc. The Macs we use, iPods, name it and he's changed the way people use phones and listen to music.

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Steve Jobs wanted a Media Player that you could use anywhere. His company, Apple, bought the software PortalPlayer, which became iTunes.

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Steve Jobs (Apple) & Bill Gates (MS) Stole Xerox`s idea. Basically Microsoft and Windows were based on an idea he stole from Xerox. Steve Jobs (Apple) & Bill Gates (MS) were together initially. Though my idea is better than URs occured and they went their separate ways. With their own independent companies (MS & apple)

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The Macintosh project started in the late 1970s with Jef Raskin, an Apple employee, who envisioned an easy-to-use, low-cost computer for the average consumer. He wanted to name the computer after his favorite type of apple, the McIntosh, but the name had to be changed for legal reasons.

Which man was an entrepreneur whose company helped expand the use of personal computers?

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Why is there an apple on apple macs?

coz they felt like choosing it the same way i chose to write this or they did it because: When he and Steve Wozniak tried to come up with a company name, they decided that if they couldn't think of anything better by the end of the day, they'd go with the name "Apple". And they couldn't, so they did. One or the other LOL LOL signed bad eggster AKA Epic Nat AKA LAGGA LAG AKA Nathaniel.