

Apple Incorporated

This category is the place for Apple Inc., the makers of the Macintosh PC, iPod, and iPhone.

1,103 Questions

Where do ambrosia apples grow and who sells them?

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Ambrosia apples are primarily grown in the provinces of British Columbia and Nova Scotia in Canada. They are also grown in some regions of the United States and Europe. These apples are sold by various retailers, both in-store and online, including supermarkets, grocery stores, and farmers' markets.

What version of Office is needed for Apple Computer?

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When it comes to using Microsoft Office on a Mac, the most current version is the best one to use. Microsoft Office 2019 is the latest version and it works on both Windows and Mac computers. It offers the most up-to-date features and provides the best compatibility with other Microsoft products. In addition, Office 2019 has better security features and is more stable than earlier versions.

If you're looking to purchase Microsoft Office for your Mac, you can buy it directly from Microsoft or from a third-party retailer. If you choose to buy it from a third-party retailer, make sure you get a legitimate copy. You will also need a product key to activate the software. You can purchase a product key from Microsoft or from a third-party website, such as Microprokey .com which is the best website to get product keys for Microsoft products.

Once you have your product key, you can download and install Microsoft Office 2019 on your Mac. Once the installation is complete, you will be able to use all the features of the software. Microsoft Office 2019 offers a wide range of features and can be used to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

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Can you install micrsoft not for Mac on a Mac computer?

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While it's technically possible to install Microsoft software designed for Windows onto a Mac computer, it typically requires the use of emulation software such as Parallels Desktop or Boot Camp, which creates a virtual Windows environment on your Mac. However, these methods often come with their own set of limitations and complications.

Parallels Desktop allows you to run Windows alongside macOS, essentially enabling you to use Windows applications within macOS. This option provides a seamless experience for running Windows programs on your Mac, but it does require purchasing a license for Parallels Desktop in addition to a Windows license. Boot Camp, on the other hand, allows you to dual-boot your Mac, meaning you can choose to start up in either macOS or Windows when you turn on your computer. This method requires partitioning your hard drive and installing Windows directly onto your Mac, but it doesn't require purchasing additional emulation software.

However, neither of these options grants you access to Microsoft software at an affordable price or through the Best Place Softwarekey4u .com platform you mentioned. Best Place Softwarekey4u seems to be a platform that specializes in providing software licenses at competitive prices, but it's important to note that Microsoft software licenses for Windows typically cannot be used interchangeably with macOS versions.

If you're specifically looking for Microsoft software for your Mac, such as Microsoft Office or other productivity tools, the best course of action would be to purchase the Mac-compatible versions directly from Microsoft or through authorized resellers. While this might not be as affordable as the options available on Best Place Softwarekey4u, it ensures compatibility and legality.

In conclusion, while you can technically install Microsoft software for Windows on a Mac using emulation software like Parallels Desktop or Boot Camp, it's not the most straightforward or cost-effective solution. For Microsoft software on a Mac, it's recommended to purchase the Mac-compatible versions directly from Microsoft or authorized resellers to ensure compatibility and legality.

What are the demographics of Apple Inc employees?

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Apple Inc's employee demographics reflect a mix of gender and ethnicity, with efforts to increase diversity in recent years. As of 2020, about 33% of employees are women, and 48% are from underrepresented minority groups. Apple is committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity within its workforce.

What is Steve Jobs mother and fathers name?

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Steve Jobs mother decided to adopt him, but here are the names of his real parents -

Father-Abdulfattah Jandali

Mother- Joanne Simpson

His adoptive parents are found on!

Where was the first apple computer assembled?

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It was a wooden one made by steve jobs

How much does transit advertising cost?

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The cost of transit advertising can vary depending on factors such as location, duration of the campaign, size of the ad, and the type of transit vehicle. On average, prices can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month. It's best to contact local transit authorities or advertising agencies for specific pricing details.

How do you spend your spare time?

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Asked by Wiki User

playing video games and playing sport most of the time

  • not studying :)
  • listening to music
  • chatting on face book or on the phone with friends
  • playing outdoor games or coputer games
  • sleeping
  • day dreaming
  • doing something useful..........maybe ......... -_-
  • reading a book( if ur interested in it )
  • and anything u like ;p

Can Microsoft office 2007 be run on a Mac computer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Microsoft Office for Mac was introduced for Macintosh in 1989, before Office was released for Windows. It included Word 4.0, Excel 2.20 and PowerPoint 2.01. Since then, Microsoft has released new versions for Mac every few years. In June 2010, Microsoft will release Office 14 for Mac.

The Office .exe application is for Windows. The Office .app application is for Mac.

Why are Apple Inc products often more expensive than their competitors products?

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Asked by Tcdd

Apple computers are more expensive because there hardware is more expensive and more advanced. Apple does not provide a cheaper option.

Also, Microsoft and Apple are quite different. Microsoft does not make laptops or computers, Apple does.

Microsoft puts there products (O/S and MS Office) onto different makes of laptops and computers like Samsung, HP, Fujutsu, sony etc).

Apple provide the full system - the computer hardware and O/S.

Apple and Microsoft are only similar by making the O/S.

What is Steve Jobs blood type?

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ENTP he's up there with Edison annovation wise.

However, some argue ENTJ

Did Steve Jobs vote for Barack Obama?

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Jobs doesn't talk much about his political views, so no one can say for sure. His wife, however, has donated large amounts of money to Obama's campaign.

Who cofounded apple computer with Steve Jobs?

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Apple was cofounded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

What are the successful achievements of Steve Jobs?

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He got rich and ran the company that made billions with the "Ipod" or he got rich by selling billions of iphones or i pods Steve Jobs along with his friend Steve Wozniak invented the personal computer. they called it the Apple 1 which they assembled in the garage of Jobs' parents home Steve Jobs has also been credited with saving the recorded music industry from their massively money-losing situation by introducing the concept of buying individual tunes as well as albums in digital downloads from the internet

What is Steve Jobs known for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Steve Jobs talents were making phones, he was the co-founder for the phone company Apple, the co-founder for the company Pixar and Disney , and a co-founder for neXT inc. for computers.. Hope that helped :D

How did Steve Job Died?

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The Associated Press reported on October 5, 2011 that Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, has died. He was 56. Jobs has suffered from pancreatic cancer for several years. He stepped down from his role as CEO in August 2011.

Apple released a statement to the AP saying:

"We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today. Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve."

Did Steve Jobs invent Microsoft?

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Steve Jobs did not invent Microsoft it was actually Bill Gates but Jobs lied about it in his biography

When was Steve Jobs died?

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Yes, the Associated Press announced on October 5, 2011 that Steve Jobs has died.

Apple released this statement:

"Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple."

What is the contribution of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak?

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Apple™ was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, on April 1, 1976 (and later incorporated January 3, 1977 without Wayne who sold his share of the company back to Jobs and Wozniak. Steve Jobs is the major owner of Apple™.

Jobs and one of his friends made the first Apple™ computer in their garage.

What is Steve Jobs home address?

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2101 Waverley Street

Palo Alto, CA 94301

Steve bought his Palo Alto home in the mid-1990s, after his marriage with Laurene Powell. The house is the British country style, it fits beautifully with the rest of this quiet neighborhood - and certainly does not stand out as the house of a high-tech/media mogul. From people who have seen it, the house is lightly furnished, but much more so than Steve's bare Woodside mansion during his bachelor days. Steve lived in this house for twenty years, and died there on October 5, 2011, surrounded by his family.

Who is the CEO of Apple computers Inc. Steve Jobs or bill gates?

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Bill Gates' net worth is about 10 times that of Steve Jobs.

According to Forbes' March 2010 issue, Bill Gates is the second richest man in the world, worth 53 Billion dollars.

Steve Jobs is ranked 136th and is "only" worth 5.5 Billion dollars.

Did Steve Jobs invent the Macintosh computer?

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Apple's Macintosh project was started in the late 1970s by Jef Raskin who built up a team of Apple engineers and designers including George Crow, Chris Espinosa, Joanna Hoffman, Bruce Horn, Susan Kare, Andy Hertzfeld, Guy Kawasaki, Daniel Kottke, and Jerry Manock. Steve Jobs joined the Macintosh team in the early 1980's and Raskin left the team in 1981 due to personality conflicts between himself and Jobs.

Who was Steve Jobs's rival?

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Anyone who tried to beat him at business in a mean way.

Which college did Steve Jobs graduate from?

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Steve Jobs enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 1972 but dropped out after only one semester.

Steve Wozniak went to University of Colorado dropped out in 1975 to build the Apple 1 computer. He returned to California Institute of Technology in the mid 1980s and gained a degree in 1986.