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because alex is dumb

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Q: Why did Texas want to be recognize as independent by the us before they thought of annexation?
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Does the comma come before yet?

Not necessarily. The comma indicates a pause or "change of direction" in the thought. The comma goes before yet when it means "although," and starts a new clause. For example: "I haven't yet seen her" and "I knew her, yet I did not recognize her."

What events led to annexation as a US territory?

Before the annexation, the planters created a plan to overthrow the queen. They called on the U.S. armed forces to provide them with protection.

Why did many people in TX favor annexation?

Texans wanted to be part of a bigger, more powerful country. Also, Texas was a part of Mexico before becoming an independent country, so people in Texas wanted the protection of the U.S. from Mexico.

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Before the annexation, the planters created a plan to overthrow the queen. They called on the U.S. armed forces to provide them with protection.

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Before the annexation, the planters created a plan to overthrow the queen. They called on the U.S. armed forces to provide them with protection.

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Before the Civil War, the South thought that European countries that needed cotton would assist them.

Did the Texas annexation treaty of 1845 provide that Texas could secede from the Union at will?

Yes, if at will means having the will to follow through with whatever is needed to enforce separation. Texas was recognized as an independent Republic by the United States before joining, therefore it would have a legal leg to stand on for separation.

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They were Independent.

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They were independent republics.

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No, from before birth.

Did the Treaty of Paris recongnize the US as being an independent from England?

Yes. Even before the US had written the Constitution France thought of the US as an indepandant country. That might had to do with some of the persausion from Ben Franklin.