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Q: Why did The varna caste system been held in place?
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What has been one effect of the traditional caste system in India?

What has been one effect of the traditional caste system in India?

How long has the caste system been illegal in India?

The caste system in India has been legally abolished since 1950 when the Constitution of India came into effect and prohibited discrimination based on caste. However, the practice still persists in some parts of the country despite being illegal.

About how long has the caste system been used in India?

long enough

Which Veda contains Description of Caste System?

The description of the caste system is mainly found in the Rigveda and Atharvaveda, two of the four Vedas in Hinduism. These texts mention the division of society into four varnas (castes) - Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (merchants), and Shudras (laborers). However, the concept of caste evolved over time and became more complex than what is described in the Vedas.

Has the Caste system completely disappeared from Indian society?

No , Many people still believe and use the caste system even though it has been officially abolished by the Indian government

A valid statement concerning the caste system in India is that it has?

shaped social and economic structures for centuries, assigning individuals to specific social classes based on birth. This system has led to discrimination and inequality, which continues to impact society today.

Which has been on effect of the traditional caste system in India?

It has provided people with a sense of identity.

Did east Germany have a caste system?

In a formal sense, the caste system is not practiced outside of India. In a metaphorical sense there are many social systems which can be compared to a caste system. During the Cold War period when the nation of East Germany existed, members of the communist party enjoyed special privileges and could have been described as a higher caste.

In India the people have resisted changing their attitudes toward the caste system because?

the caste system is deeply ingrained in the social fabric and cultural norms of the society. It has been practiced for centuries and is often justified by religious beliefs. Additionally, the caste system provides social and economic privileges to certain groups, which makes it difficult for those benefiting from it to willingly give up their advantages.

What is the social order of India?

social pyramid They have social clases. The lowest in the social class is an untochable In India they have what they call the cast system, its is a hierarchy of human worth and I believe its orgins have to do with their belief in reincarnation, if you do not get it right this time around then you are born into a lower order of cast. You have no right to try and raise yourself within the society for your place in society has been earned by you in a former life. It is an oppressive system one many Indian people have been trying to do away with. It is one example of how mythology/religion can have far reaching negative influences, it is irrational, but, reason is hard won in the face of well established religion/mythologies.

Why is the caste system a social reflection of Hinduism?

Hinduism teaches that you may become one with God through any of the many ways given to you to follow, and the caste system reflects this in the social structure you have been born into. (See related answers)

How is the belief of karma related to the caste system?

(This has been remade and made better, original answer: it has to do with the gov't. spred the love -Sassycat000126)Karma and the Caste system are related because Karma means a good life and which that relates to Reincarnation because the higher Karma you have, the more of the chance you will live again from Reincarnation,an answer for how does Reincarnation and the Caste system relate: The same between the Caste System and reincarnation is when a person is born in a certain caste. The person cannot become a member of another caste. But some say that if that person was good, responsible and well-mannered, He or she could reincarnate (which means to be born again) and be born in a higher class, with a better life.Post remade by William