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Well, castes aren't illegal, but discrimination based on caste has been illegal since 1950.

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The Caste System in India has been legally abolished since 1950 when the Constitution of India came into effect and prohibited discrimination based on caste. However, the practice still persists in some parts of the country despite being illegal.

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Q: How long has the caste system been illegal in India?
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What has been one effect of the traditional caste system in India?

What has been one effect of the traditional caste system in India?

About how long has the caste system been used in India?

long enough

Which has been on effect of the traditional caste system in India?

It has provided people with a sense of identity.

Which of these statements is the best description of the caste system in India?

The caste system in India is a social hierarchy that divides people into different groups based on their occupation and birth. It has been a traditional system where individuals are born into a specific caste that determines their social status and opportunities in life. The caste system has been criticized for perpetuating inequality and discrimination in society.

How are Hinduism and indias caste system alike?

The caste system is a social hierarchy that has been traditionally associated with Hinduism in India. Both Hinduism and the caste system have long histories that have shaped the social structure and cultural practices of India. However, it is important to note that not all aspects of Hinduism endorse or support the caste system, and many Hindus today are working to dismantle this system of discrimination.

What is PH in India caste system?

The term "PH" refers to the Pardhi community in India, which is considered a Scheduled Tribe under the Indian caste system. Scheduled Tribes are marginalized communities that historically faced social and economic discrimination. It is important to note that the caste system in India has been officially abolished, but its influence is still present in societal norms and practices.

What is religion is associated with the caste system?

Hinduism is the religion associated with the caste system. The caste system is based on the belief that individuals are born into a particular caste based on their karma and dharma from past lives. This system has been deeply rooted in Indian society for centuries.

Describe the caste system in India?

There are five levels: Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, and Harijans. Each of these castes is referred to as a jati. People are expected to live the entirety of their lives within their castes; there is no change in fate. This system has been enforced in India for ages and has instilled a sense of expectancy in its people.

In India the people have resisted changing their attitudes toward the caste system because?

the caste system is deeply ingrained in the social fabric and cultural norms of the society. It has been practiced for centuries and is often justified by religious beliefs. Additionally, the caste system provides social and economic privileges to certain groups, which makes it difficult for those benefiting from it to willingly give up their advantages.

Which statements best describes the influence of the caste system on villages in India?

Villagers' occupations often determine with whom they may associate.

Did east Germany have a caste system?

In a formal sense, the caste system is not practiced outside of India. In a metaphorical sense there are many social systems which can be compared to a caste system. During the Cold War period when the nation of East Germany existed, members of the communist party enjoyed special privileges and could have been described as a higher caste.

How is the caste system used?

The caste system is a social hierarchy in which individuals are categorized into different groups based on their birth, occupation, and social status. This system has been historically used in India to organize society and assign specific roles and duties to each caste. However, the caste system has also led to discrimination and inequality, as people in lower castes are often marginalized and face social and economic disadvantages.