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George Washington Belived that being called your Excellency was to noble so instead he decided he wanted to be Mr president.:]

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Q: Why did Washington choose to be called Mr president?
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What was George Washington called?

mr president

Who initiated the tradition of addressing the president as mr president?

Washington agreed to called Mr. President at the request of The House of Representatives .

How did Washington choose to be addressed as president?

Washington didn't want an elaborate title like those used with European nobility and royalty. He preferred the more direct Mr. President.

What did John Adams think the President should be called?

He wanted the President to be called, "His Highness the President of the United States and Protector of the Rights of the Same." But Washington wanted to be called Mr. President.

How did congress finally agree to address George Washington the first president?

Washington set the tone on what he wanted to be called. He knew that whatever it was every president would be called that so he said that Mr. President was the proper term.

What was Washington's task as the nation's first president difficult?

the congress agreed that Washington should be called "Mr. President" rather than by a title that would suggest he was king.

What president was first called Mr President?

George Washington accepted this title. He did not want to be called "Your Highness" or anything that sounded like a king's title.

Washington chose the title ..........?

Mr. President

What was the tittle congress finally agreed upon to call George Washington?

Mr. president

How to address President Washington?

A simple Mr President should be OK.

What title did George Washington take upon himself when he was President?

Mr. President

Names for George Washington?

Homie G gwash gewa Mr. President President Father of our Country George Washington