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1. Water is a necessity of life

2. animals/food that are around the water source (river)

3. Fertile soil for agricultural needs

4. transportation is much easier and faster over river routes

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people learned to build rafts, canoes and boats long before they learned to build roads and carts, so rivers were important for transportation. Then you can also get fish and water out of them, which also is handy.

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Q: Why did all civilizations start near rivers?
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What is the first feature that all civilizations have in common?

the first feature that all civilizations have in common is that they all form around rivers

What physical or geographic characteristics did all the first civilizations have in common?

The first great civilizations are, arguably, ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. What they had in common is that both were in very arid places (deserts) but centered around large rivers. They used irrigation to turn the deserts into fertile land.

What physical characteristic did ancient civilizations settled near?

Commonly near water, the most stunning of civilizations were near the ocean and near an area called the Fertile Crescent. Water has large part to do with the development of a civilization. Athens, Egypt, and Tenochtilan all used water sources to fuel there development.

Why did the ancient civilizations develop in rivers?

Almost all of the ancient civilizations could be found along rivers or at least a good source of water. Water was essential for daily living and farming. The Mesopotamian civilizations were along the Euphrates and Tigres, the Egyptian civilization was along the Nile, while the Syrians had their capitol of Antioch on the Orontes River.

Where did all of the 1st civilizations start?

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What three things did all four river valley civilizations have in common?

trade, irrigation, human needs, and fertile soil

What is the feature that all civilations have in common?

the first feature that all civilizations have in common is that they all form around rivers

How has the environment shaped human history?

well , i think All the first colonies formed by humans, and all the first civilizations in the Worlds history were founded near great rivers. Rivers provided water for drinking and irrigating fields, fish for food and great transportation methods. Sumer was founded between Euphrates and Tigris rivers, Egypt along Nile river, Indus culture around Indus and the first Chinese culture near the Yellow River.

What are three ways the early river valley civilizations were alike?

Three ways the early river valley civilizations were alike are: they all developed near rivers, such as the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates, and Indus; they all relied on agriculture as the foundation of their economies; and they all developed complex social structures with rulers and priests holding significant power.

How many rivers are there in the U.K.?

There are 22 major rivers, but it would be near impossible to count all of the rivers in the UK because of how many there are.

How did geography isolate civilizations?

Many landforms, such as mountains or rivers were uncrossable to early civilizations, so they stayed where they were, away from other groups

Do you start out with all civilizations in Age of Empires 3?

Yes. You can start by creating a home city of your preference.