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Houses have always been expensive throughout history and remain so to this day. The reason that houses are expensive is that the building materials, land-plots, and engineering knowhow are very expensive. This was no different in Ancient Greece.

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Q: Why did ancient Greeks consider houses as expensive things?
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of coures yes

Did the Ancient Greeks Have brick houses?

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What materials did theAncient Greeks use to build houses?

They used wood for the walls, flooring and for the door. sand was also importantthey would use it for the bottom level for their houses. They would also use stone for their sidewalks.

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What houses did greeks live in?

The ancient Greeks would live in a house called an 'Oikos' which would be square in shape with a courtyard cut out the middle to get sunlight and stop heat. The courtyard was also for wells and sacrifices in the altar.

What did ancient Greeks build there houses out of?

Sun dried mud bricks with terra cotta roofs and packed mud floors except in the andron it sometimes had tiled floors

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